Chapter 71

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Blakes pov

As we enter the entertainment center I can feel the nervousness flood my system something I rarely feel only in moments like these with 12 different things happening at once and the moments with Ashton does ever a drop of it hit me as I observe the room and its people around me a lady dressed in a pants suit with a clipboard rushes up to us 

"Ashton finally your here we need to hurry you need to get mic'd up" she says grabbing his hand and pulling until she notices a slight pullback 

"slow down" Ashton tell her "first of all this is Blake Blake this is Elana, my manager" 

"Hi it's nice to meet you" I say extending my hand and smiling kindly 

"hello" she says shaking my hand a bit too tight "well now that we had introductions could we please go get you mic'd up" she asks him batting her eyelashes 

"yes WE can go get mic'd up" he tells her she tries to ignore his over-exaggerated we just walking away not even checking if we are following but of course we do. after we get mic'd we get directed to a waiting area with nobody else around Ashton props me up onto a table placing himself between my legs I play with his hair as he lays his head on my chest 

"you know Ashton I think someone has a bit of a crush" I tell him 

"What?" he says raising his head I motion over to Elana standing over in the corner pretending to be on her phone whilst staring at us "oh no love she doesn't" 

"Ashton" I say cutting him off "she does she got super annoyed when you kept correcting her to we and she completely ignored me" 

"that doesn't mean she has a crush" 

"okay whatever you want to believe love" I say dropping it and going back to what I was doing but I could see that my statement was still bothering Aston he felt more tense than normal

"All speakers please line up we are about to go on" a woman yells from the center of the room

 I hop off the table as Ashton shakes his head probably to get the nerves out I grab his hand to reassure him that I'm here we go line up and the woman walks out on stage she makes an announcement then starts introducing people one by one they make their way on to the stage till it's my turn with Ashton right behind me I hear her call my name introducing me and I freeze for a few seconds I feel Ashton tap my butt and I go walking across the stage to a couch where I sit next to other people some looking my age others looking older we all direct our attention to the entrance when the woman starts to introduce Ashton 

"he is a super successful motocross racer while still being in college full time he holds two world titles and is going for his third this year Mr.Ashton Baylor" Ashton sits down in a chair next to me i look out into the audience while the woman starts asking questions I can barely make out the hundreds of heads looking towards me "let's start easy well go down the line starting over next to me and ending with Ashton over there. What is your major?" we start down the line there's not many people 3 or 4 others besides Ashton and me when it gets to me I answer Psychology and move onto Ashton who answers Engineering then the woman moves on asking series of questions getting more and more complex til she runs out opening the floor to the audience to ask questions at first it's typical questions about school and careers to do with the major until one person decided to ask the inevitable question 

"This ones for Ashton and the girl in the pink" I look around and sure enough I'm the only one in pink "are you two dating?" she asks 

I look to Ashton he looks back to me "yeah something like that" he says 

"I mean the ring on my finger says more than something" I say getting bold holding it up to the audience everyone erupting in ooh's I laugh smiling at Ashton who is laughing with me when we exit the stage Elana comes running up to us again

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