Chapter 38

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**1 week later**

"Are you almost ready?" Ellie asks me 

"yeah just about" I say applying my final touch of lipgloss 

"if you want to get there in time to be front in center we gotta get going before all the bimbos take it" 

"El I know I'm coming" I say walking up beside Ellie next to the door pausing 

"and if there are any bimbos I'll elbow in their push-up bra" I finish swinging open the door and walking down the dorm corridor hearing a chuckling Ellie behind me. Pulling up to the track I see that there are already at least 20 cars here god I hope those are all riders 

"how long till it starts" I ask Ellie as I search for a prime parking space 

"25 minutes" 

"good enough" I say whipping into a space turning off the car and exiting as I make my way to the gate I see bikes zipping around the track catching a glimpse of a blue and white one that I hope is Ashtons I really would like to see him before the race to wish him good luck and such checking behind me to make sure Ellie is still coming I look to the ticket lady 

"hi" I greet her in a cheery tone 

"you here for the qualifiers" 

"yep we're here to support Ashton Baylor" 

"great that'll be $20 for the both of you" the not so chipper ticket lady says I hand her the 20 and me and Ellie make our way to the fence line 

we stand there for a bit watching the boys warm up "why are you so excited for this race" Ellie out of the blue asks me 

"because it's Ashtons qualifying race" 

"yeah but before you two got back from texas you thought racing was pointless and refused to go to one what changed Blake" 

"I guess I was just shown the error of my ways" 

"sure sure you were" 

"what's that supposed to mean" I ask her 

"I guess I was just wondering if this newfound excitement had anything to do with the extra-long hug you and Ashton shared the other day" 

"El I will admit that me and Ashton did have a chat while in Texas but I'm here to support him because his mom refused to'' I say as all the bikes stop 

"well okay I'm going to get a coffee you want one?" 

"yeah thanks" I look back to the track to see a sweaty blonde hottie making his way over to me damn your hot 

"right back at you baby" Ashton says making a goofy smile at me 


"your hot as well" oh shit I said that out loud 

"I'm so glad you actually came" he says caressing my face 

"wouldn't miss it for the world" I tell him 

"what about for the universe" he pesters 

"not for all the stars in the galaxy the only star I need is right here" I say placing a delicate kiss on his lips pulling away I mimic his goofy smile 

"so you think I got a real shot at winning this thing" he jokes 

"eh I don't know maybe" I joke back to him Ashton then whips around with a shocked look on his face 

"I'm only joking you're my star my star always wins" Ashton grabs my face peppering kisses all over 

"Mr.Baylor you're gonna have to stop Ellie could be back at any time" Ashton pulls away looking at me with a straight disappointed face "you know you could just tell her" 


"I know I know it's too soon and you want to see where this goes before telling and yada yada yada" 

"I'm sorry" I whisper to him 

"no Blake don't be I get your concerns I have a reputation" 

"I promise I'll tell them soon just today's your day now go get 'em tiger" I tell him kissing him a final time before he goes to line up. Just as the timer starts to count down Ellie comes back with two coffees in hand 

"one with half and a half for you and another with sugar milk for me" 

"just in time" I say as the horn blares and all the riders take off Ashton heading the pack I watch as he allows some of the others to take over for a moment just to give them hope and just as quickly snatches it away from them as he goes up for a jump flips I feel a pit form in my stomach god I wish he wouldn't do that when he lands safely the pit fades but like a rollercoaster, it comes back every time he does another one I watch as he takes all the turns and flies with the jumps and I watch as the crowd around me roars when he drifts into the finish line 

"number 13 Ashton Baylor for the third year in a row takes first place" the announcer says over the loudspeaker. when all the bikes come to a complete stop the crowd starts to rush the track to congratulate their racer and console the others I run a straight beeline to my star 

"you won you won you won" I yell as I reach him 

"were going to Texas Baby" he yells back as he picks me up and spins 

"I told you you could do it my star always wins" I smile down at him still being held up in his arms we both take a pause just staring into each other's eyes I take in every sweat drop on Ashton's face *cough* *cough* we hear from behind me causing us to snap out of our bliss and back to reality 

"congrats Ash" Ellie says Ashton then putting me down 

"thank you Ellie" he says awkwardly smiling at her 

"so what are you girls doing after this" he asks us I turn exchanging looks with Ellie who shrugs her shoulders at me 

"probably meet up with Haze and go from there" I tell him 

"well the teams throwing a party to congratulate everyone you should come" 

"we'll see what times the party" 

"it's at 9" he tells me I look down to my phone screen that says its 3 and also that I have a missed call from Haze 

"okay well we gotta get going but I'm sure we'll see you there" I tell Ashton 

"Okay I'll see you later then" he says not moving an inch as I do the same not wanting to leave his presence 

"yeah we gotta go bye Ash" Ellie yanks my arm making me move "god you two have been so weird lately" 

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