Chapter 46

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~~a while later~~

I get shaken awake by a frantic Trevor "get up now" 

"why" I ask sitting up 

"Just get up and get dressed now" he says still frantic I get up from my bed and get dressed getting more worried as Trevor rushes me I put on jeans and a t-shirt slipping on my sneakers as Trevor pushes me out the door 

"could you tell me where we're going" I say as I follow Trevor 

"to get your girl back" he says my stomach drops a bit from these words I start picking up the pace to become even with Trevor 

"what do you mean? How?" I ask me now becoming freaked and a little panicked 

"you'll see just follow" I continue to follow Trevor fast as I follow I see a sorority house come into view and on the porch, i see Bret and Cole with a girl who looks vaguely familiar when Trevor and I get to the house Bret and Cole turn to the girl and say "tell him everything" "we mean everything" and walk away leaving just me and Trev on the porch 

"Ashton'' Trevor says turning to me then walking away leaving the girl and me on the porch 

"Who are you" I ask her 

"im Serina and I'm sorry" 

"what do you mean" 

"Just please don't get mad" she says a frightened look on her face 

"why would I be" 

"because I'm the girl who kissed you" I pause processing what she just said 

"huh what you" 

"yes I'm the one who kissed you and I'm sorry I didn't know it would cause that but just let me explain before you yell at me" 


"that night I was minding my business drinking and dancing having a good time then this blonde chick and some dude came up to me said they pay me 20 dollars each if I went and kissed you so I took it because duh who wouldn't I didn't know you had a girlfriend and I'm sorry"

"Serina look I am mad at you for that but I understand that you didn't have any malicious intent who I am furious with tho is the people who hired you because clearly, they did could you tell me more about what they look like" 

"uh one was a chick long blonde hair tall skinny was wearing next to nothing the other was a dude with dark hair was grinning big and he smelled musty" 

"thank you I know exactly how your talking about listen if I give your number to somebody could you tell her this to" 

"your girl?" she questions 

"yeah she doesn't believe me" 


"thank you" I say patting my pockets for my phone realizing I left it at the dorm I turn to the guys standing on the sidewalk "do any of you have paper and a pin" Bret pulls out a wrinkled piece of paper and cole hands me a pin 

"here" I say handing her the paper she writes down two things one her address and two her number 

"I'll be expecting her" she says handing the paper and pin back 

"thank you again" 

"I'm sorry again" 

when I get back to my dorm I search for my phone finding it on my bed I look to see if Haze texted me and sure enough, he had "Ash were at the dress shop you can come now" "bro where are you" "were headed to lunch come now" I look to see when the last text was sent 1:20 just a few minutes ago I text haze back 

"I'm coming are you guys still there" 

"yeah we at B&B burgers hurry" he says as I jump in my car speeding out of the parking lot 

I pull up outside the restaurant haze told me I take a deep breathe as I get out of the car as I approach the restaurant I see her in the window seeing her knocked the air out of my lungs but it almost killed me when I saw her see me making me pause until I saw her jump up and start making her way to the back alley I turned and rushed to the ally as well colliding with her as I turned the corner I didn't know what to do so I just did what I thought of first hugging her "I've missed you so much" I say 

"get the fuck off me" she says pushing me away and turning heading the other way 

"Blake wait" I say grabbing her arm 

"let go" she angrily says to me 

"Not until you hear me out" I say starting to plead with her 

"Ashton there's nothing to hear out" she says 

"my side of things please just let me explain" I say chocking on my words a Lil 

"fine but you have to let go" she says so I let go of her arm and hold her hand instead taking her to my car I open the door for her and allow her to sit before closing it the going to my side 

"Why are we in your car?" she asks 

 "so you can't run away" I say turning in the car and pulling out 

"so time for you to hear me out, please hold all questions and comments till the end so I wanna start this with saying you might feel as if I lied to you but I assure you that everything I've ever told you was 100% true" 

"Ash-" she interrupts causing me to look at her so she stops 

"so that night I left you to get you a drink I was in the kitchen pouring you a cocktail when a guy came up to me saying that he could steal you from me I just laughed it off and went back to the drink at hand when I heard your voice coming towards me I turned around to see you and some girl grabbed me pulling my head down to hers kissing me only releasing when you yelled you know what happened then but what you don't know is what happened when you left I was extremely hurt and acted out I yelled at the crowd and went inside and drank and not just a little Blake" I pause looking to her "A LOT so much I couldn't tell you what happened after I talked to Ellie and Haze" 

"you talked to Ellie and Haze?" 

"yeah I told them what happened and about us" 

"Ashton I'm sorry but I just can't" 

"I know you work on facts and none of what I just told you is fact to you but if you want the truth talk to her" I hand her the paper with Serina's information on it 

"you know I wish we could just go back to the day we met to make sure that none of this happened" she says I sigh 

"I don't know about that Blake I would never give up being with you to make my life easier because that would mean giving up you" she looks away from me out the window "I gotta go" she says getting out and walking away leaving me I rest my head on the steering wheel for a minute before taking off  

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