chapter 7

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Blake pov

It's been a few days since I've seen Ashton. I just stayed cooped up in my room for fear and embarrassment of seeing Kyle even though Ashton told me it was taken care of whatever that means and that I shouldn't be embarrassed. I still didn't want to face the jerk. 

¨haha i know right it was- Blake i don't know your middle name Stone i thought i told you to get your ass out of this bed¨ Haze scolds me like a father

 ¨and I thought I told you i don't need a dad haven't had one since i was 8 and i don't need one now¨ I rebuttal 

¨ugh girl you need to get out of this bed thanksgiving break is in a few days and you'll be leaving to go home which just leaves me and Ellie stuck here together we need our girl for as long as we can have her¨ Haze tries to persuade me 

¨nah I'm good. you guys can live without me¨ I deny his persuasion

 ¨girl at least come shopping with us it's the least you can do and there's no way that douchey jock is gonna be at the mall¨ Haze starts to plead 

¨fine let's go ̈ I reluctantly agree and get up to put my shoes on

 ̈oh no you need a shower first. No offense princess but you smell like cooked fish and that's not good¨

 ¨damn a little harsh Haze don't you think?¨ Ellie says

 ¨no no Haze is right Ell I do kinda smell rank¨ so after a long shower to wash off days of my bed, Netflixs, and snacks as well as a pep talk in the mirror I throw on a cute outfit and walk out to brace the world which I haven't seen much of in the past 3 days.

 ¨i vote we hit urban outfitters first, anyone else?¨ Ellie suggests as we pull up in the mall parking lot 

¨i second and I don't think Blake gives a shit¨ Haze says correctly 

¨you'd be correct¨ I say 

I sit through what feels like days of Haze and Ellie going from store to store trying on clothes to only buy a handful of what they tried on

¨guys can we go to the food court i haven't eaten all day¨ i ask my stomach nearly growling with each word

 ¨sure party pooper but your buying¨ Ellie saying 

¨I don't care i just need food¨ i nearly run to the food court and get in line for chick fil i get my regular 12 piece nugget and fry with a frosted lemonade and then Hazes and Ellies identical order of a chicken sandwich i pay for it all and we go to sit down with our food Haze and Ellie start going off on some tangent about a guy who works at the Banana Republic 

¨he was totally checking you out Ell¨ Haze says

¨no Haze he was checking you out¨Ellie says they went on like this for the next 10 minutes i didn't give a shit so i zoned out thinking about my trip to Texas on Sunday

  Having to travel WITH Ashton is gonna be new I really hope I don't snore that be so embarrassing why am I worried its just Ashton I don't care what he thinks but i don't want him telling all the guys i snore speaking of which I wonder what he told them probably about how weird i am and that face i make when I'm working its not my fault i scrunch my nose it just helps. 

*buzz* *buzz* my thoughts get interrupted by a text speak of the devil it Ashton 

¨hey I was just thinking do you want me to pick you up on Sunday or do you want to pick me up?¨ 

¨um you pick me up your cars bigger¨ I reply and within seconds I get a text back

 ¨god how much stuff do you plan on bringing? You're not moving back home are you??¨

 he sends the second half sounded a little panicky ¨nah I'm not. just were staying for a bit and i need options¨ I respond 

¨okay then see you on Sunday sugar¨ 

¨sugar?¨ I question his weird choice of a name for me 

¨jk Blake lol¨ he says

*snap* *snap* ¨yo Blake whose text you smilin at over there?¨ Ellie questions 

¨oh nobodies. It's just Ashton¨ i answer thinking nothing of it 

¨since when do you smile at Ashes texts?¨ Haze questions more intently than Ellie 

¨I don't he just called me sugar it was funny¨ I say trying to take some of the pressure off 

¨since when do yall use pet names; princess¨ haze relentlessly questions 

¨i don't know he just did this once¨ 

¨okay if you say so¨ Haze finally lets up and changes the subject 

¨so princess we need to get you a dress¨ Haze says 

¨for what exactly¨ I question

¨for texas you can't tell me that you're going to go to texas and not go clubbing¨ Haze says

¨i mean I don't know we'll see¨ I say 

 ¨well WHEN you go clubbing you need a new dress so I say we go to little miss adore¨ as we walk into the store a dress catches me and Hazes eyes for opposite reasons mine because of how slutty it is Hazes because he loves it 

¨Holy hell Haze¨ I mutter

 ¨ I know right it's perfect you're sure to pull so many guys in that¨ he says 

¨um no hell no I'm not wearing that my brother and Ashton would die¨ 

¨so let them they'll be fine and more importantly, you'll look hot trust me at least try it on¨

 ¨fine¨ I grab it off the rack and head into the dressing room pulling on and down the tight fabric and adjusting the top I take one look in the mirror and barely recognize myself 

¨come on out princess let us see I was right wasn't i¨ Haze shouts from outside the dressing room I walk out to show them 

¨where's my card I'm buying this now¨ I say as I walkout

 ¨no princess a girl as hot as you doesn't deserve to buy that I'll pay for it where's mine¨ we both share a laugh but Haze insists on paying for the dress and I thank him 10+ times 

¨thank you guys this is just the kind of day I needed¨ I say 

¨your welcome princess no need to tell me I was right but I was right haha¨ he laughs 

¨yes you were and I'm thankful for that¨ I say a smile appearing on my face 

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