Chapter 28

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Blake Pov

As we sit on the plane I stare out the window observing the clouds passing by I hear a voice in my ear "you wanna join the club" I turn facing Ashton 

"Oh my god Ashton" I say hitting him a little on the arm

 "so you wanna join or not" he says to me 

"no I do not Mr. grey sweatpants" 

"Hey don't judge me off of the color of my pants" he says to me making me laugh a little 

"so changing the subject what times your race"  

"it's at 10:15 on the 8th" he informs me

 "okay ill be there front and center" I tell him

"Thanks baby you know it means a lot to me your gonna be there" 

"I know that's why im gonna be there for you and you only"

 "better be" he says kissing me I smile into the kiss retaining the smile as he pulls away I lay my head on his shoulder he places his hand on my thigh 

"hey don't get any idea mister" I say 

"wouldn't dream of it darling" he says 

"wake me when we land please" I say

"okay baby sweet dreams" 

"Blake Blake baby" I hear Ashtons voice I open my eyes and look out the window I see the ground then I look at Ashton

 "we're here" he says to me extending his hand for me to grab I do we walk off the plane and into the airport hand and hand. When we get to baggage claim I stand back as Ashton gets our bags as I stand waiting I overhear a conversation 

"omg melody that's him the guy I was telling you about" one girl says to her friend

 "that's the bike guy" her friend says

 "yes and it's called motocross" girl one says

 "he is way hotter than I thought he was gonna be mags" I couldn't agree more

"hey back off he's mine" she tells her friend giving her a dirty look actually he's mine just then they fall silent I see Ashton walking towards me with our bags conveniently walking past the two girls on his way

 "here you go you ready to get on out of here" he asks me setting my bags down 

"hold on one second 3..2..1" I say Ashton looking at me confused till

 "Hi im Magnolia Roads" one of the girls from the conversation I heard earlier taps Ashton on the shoulder and introduces herself is this bitch really talking to MY man Ashton being the polite person he is acknowledges her

 "hello Magnolia" he says 

"Could I have a picture" she asks him okay so maybe she's harmless Ashton so kindly takes the selfie with her and expects her to go away but she's persistent 

"Could I also have your autograph?" she says holding out a piece of paper Ashton takes it and starts to sign as he does she adds on "and maybe your number" 

does this bitch not see me I grab his arm pulling him closer to me and only then does she take notice of my presence shooting me a dirty look Ashton as well takes notice of the tension this situation is causing

 "it was nice meeting you magnolia but me and MY GIRLFRIEND have to go" he says putting emphasis on the girlfriend

handing back the paper we walk away he turns to me and asks "you were jealous weren't you"

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