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Ashton pov

I wake up in my bed at home. I can hear the sound of loud music coming from downstairs. I get up to explore as I come closer I hear that it's Christmas music. I walk into the den and find Blake messing with the Christmas tree "baby?"

"Love you're awake finally" she says I look down shocked to see a rather large bump "are you okay?" i ask her

"yeah he's not giving me much trouble today" she says confirming my suspicion it's a baby bump

"he?" I question her

"shit you weren't supposed to know" I give her a puzzled look "just promise to act surprised when the girls tell you"

"uh yeah i promise"

"Daddy!" i hear little high pitched voices say from behind me i turn around and catch two small girls

"Hi" I say

"santa came santa came" they yell

"I see" i say suddenly knowing their names "Stella Briar do you have something to tell me?" i ask my girls

"were getting a brother daddy" they tell me

"Wow, that's wonderful sweetys"

"come on girls let's give daddy a minute he just woke up" Blake says taking the girls towards the kitchen leaving me in the den alone i start to look around nothing looks out of place just changed like the pictures on the mantel arent of my mom and dad or are mashed up family they're Blake and I's wedding photos and family portraits and ultrasounds. Everything is just perfect how I love it but it feels off, uneasiness is in the air and I can't quite put my finger on it.

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