Chapter 40

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As I run my mind doesn't know what to do I pull off my heels and start to walk down greek street passing party after party contemplating if I should go into one Haze and Ellie are probably waiting up and probably have a lot of questions about my lying to them but I just don't want to go home I don't want to cry anymore tonight I'm all cried out I just want to drink and dance not give another fuck what anybody thinks hell I might just kiss another guy make it even as my mind wonders my feet do to into a party in a house I've never been to before I observe the party quickly looking for the alcohol 

"you look like you could use a drink" a guy comes up to me holding a bottle of vodka and a red cup 

"yes I do," I say taking the bottle of vodka from him starting to chug it 

"tough night" he questions 

"you have no idea" I answer 

"well maybe we can talk about it on the couch if you want" 

"im gonna need something stronger before I do that buddy" I tell him 

"I got just the thing" he says reaching into one of his pockets pulling out two mini tequila bottles handing them to me then reaching into another pocket and pulling out three more tiny bottles and handing those to me as well 

"that work" he asks 

"yes" I say walking over to a couch and sitting down 

"So now tell me about this guy what he do" 

"how do you know its a guy" I question him opening two bottles and downing both 

"please a pretty girl like you heels in hand walking down greek street has to be a guy" 

"Okay you got me there well let me preface this with I was the one dating Ashton Baylor" 


"me" I say then opening the next three bottles and downing those as well 

"it's a long story but let me tell you the highlights" I then proceed to tell this stranger about me and Ashton's relationship our first hookups the trip to new york we're supposed to take and then tonight "so he leaves me on the dance floor some guy comes and grabs me taking me to the kitchen where I see him tongue deep in some girls mouth that couldn't even be mistaken for me" 

"oh my god what did you do" 

"the only thing I could I ran out of there sobbing everyone's words flooding back to me about how this him was a bad idea and to top it off he tells me he loves me" 

"he did not" 

"oh he most certainly did in front of a big ass crowd" I finish chugging some more vodka straight from the bottle 

"drink up girl you deserve it" I continue chugging then black I don't remember much else from the night only flashes here and there dancing on a table kissing some guy then now waking up in a bed of a stranger I don't know I look over trying to see if I can identify the person and nothing clicks I take a peek under the covers seeing that I'm still in my dress breathing a sigh of relief 

"don't worry we didn't do anything, not from lack of trying on your part" the person next to me says 

"sorry who are you again" I ask 

"my names colt we met last night at the party you were pretty wasted" 

"sorry about that" 

"don't be you were fun I'm just sorry for the guy blowing up your phone last night he seemed pretty worried about you. Boyfriend?" I look around to colts bedside table and pick up my phone and sure enough 27 miss calls from Ashton <3 I should remove that heart now 

"yeah kinda I guess it's complicated" I say getting up picking up my shoes 

"well if things ever become less complicated call me" he says walking me to the door 

"will do" I say smiling at him as I open the door before I leave Colt leans down and kisses me on the cheek 

"Have a nice day" he says 

"you too" I say as I leave doing the walk of shame back to my dorm when I get there the doors unlocked meaning Haze and Ellie are on the other side ready to either consol me or scold me I twist open the door and there sit two wide-awake friends of mine 

"where have you been" Ellie asks 

"Are you okay princess" Haze asks 

"I went to a party and I'm fine" I say putting on a fake smile 

"you know you could have told us I mean we kinda figured" 

"I know but I was scared of exactly this" 

"being heartbroken?" Ellie questions 

"yes and made a fool of" 

"well you know we're here for you no matter what" Haze says 

"yeah I know just what I need right now is a nap I got absolutely hammered last night" 

"okay B call us when you wake up" 

"okay" I say crawling into my bed to take a hangover/depression nap                                 

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