Chapter 36

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Ashton pov

I leave the meeting with Blake extremely happy walking back to my dorm the world seemed brighter. I walk up the stairs silently praying that Trevor is done with his little rondeau I open the door and nobodies there I breathe a relieved sigh flipping on the light I make my way to my closet grabbing new clothes that don't smell like sweat and airport and head to the shower I take a nice relaxing shower clearing my mind of any kyles or Vivans and only filling it with the perfect date for Blake so I think I got it I'll take her to her favorite restaurant give her flowers then we'll take a walk down by the river then boom that's when I'll ask her now to figure out what her favorite restaurant is I'll probably ask Haze after I clean myself up I lay down in bed and sleep for what feels like ages I am awoken from my slumber by a commotion at the door 

"he doesn't want to see you" a male voice says 

"how do you know what he wants" a female voice says

 "because I live with the guy" the male voice who I now identify as Trevor tells the female

 "you may live with him but I know what he likes I sleep with him" the female tells Trevor now making me sit up in my bed trying to recall all the girls I slept with and put a face to this voice I was hearing is it possible it could be Blake  

"well he's sleeping right now anyways so hey you can't just barge in'' Trevor says trying to push the person away from our room but the female pushes her way in and in seconds I'm face to face with the bitch herself 

"he's not asleep liar" she says 

"well he was" Trevor says 

"wrong room Vivian" I tell her

 "ha babe you're so funny" Vivian says leaning in to kiss me but I swerve her 

"whoa babe what's wrong? is this about Kyle I swear it was one time and he wasn't as good as you"

 "I could care less about that rapist and I'm not your babe" I tell her

 "what do you mean Kyles not a rapist we had consensual sex and of course you're my babe why wouldn't you be" 

"Well for starters I have a girlfriend" I say this and see Trevors' eyes widen clearly surprised that I could have a girlfriend

 "yes, babe I know I'm right here" 

"not you skank" vivan gasps at this 

"who is this bitch I'm gonna beat her ass for stealing my man" 

"I was never and never will be your man. hoe" I say this as Vivian storms out of the room

 "Nice save there man for a second there I actually thought you had a girlfriend"

 "I wasn't lying all the things I said were true" I tell him I see his eyes widen again in surprise

 "so you're meaning to tell me Willow Brooks most notorious bachelor has a girlfriend" 

"I mean not officially I still have to take her on a date but yes I do actually have a girlfriend"

 "Well don't just sit tell me who she is" 

"I can't she wants it to be a secret for now" 

"are you serious?" 

"yes trust me I would be screaming it from the rooftops if I could"

 "so your what some would say head over heels for this girl" 

"I guess you could say that all I'm going to say is that I am going to marry her someday" 

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