Part 1

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*3rd pov*

Aizawa who was done with patrol, was just roaming around, he didnt want to go home just yet because he had a fight with his boyfriend. He sat down with his head in his hands when his phone rang.

*Aizawa pov*

'Damnit. I dont even know why we were fighting. It was so stupid.' I kicked a rock out of frustration (I find tons of rocks on roofs. So its completely possible)



'Oh good its Tsukauchi, I need a distraction right now' I pick up the phone "what is it?" I say in my usual monotone voice. "I have a complaint about a baby crying at ********* could you head over and check it out?" 'It was a small time thing but just what I needed, but j had to keep my act up "why cant one of your 'officers of the law' handle it" I asked, "We're kinda swamped over here, Endewhore made another mess that we need to clean up" I smirked at the nickname,"fine" I said and hung up.

*Time skip to when he reaches the apartment*

*still Aizawa's pov*

I hear the baby's cries when I see the apartment. I go up the stairs to knock on the door when I notice the door slightly open. I knock and wait for a reply.


I knock again


Finally I speak "excuse me, sir or madam.




I head in cus I'm tired of this crap and I find the cutest little girl in a cradle crying. She has forest green hair and eyes to match. She's wearing a little giraffe onesie that makes her so fucking cute.

She doesn't seem to be even a year old. I get a little mad at the parents. 'Who in they're right minds would leave this beautiful little kid home alone?'

I pick up the little angel put her into my capture scarf,and she stops crying, instead finding amusement in playing with the white,soft fabric. I look at the tag on her hood and see the word Izuku written on it. 'What a pretty name' I think to myself.

She then began rubbing her hand against my scruffy face 'I really need to shave' I smile at her little antics and head deeper into the apartment. Until I reach the bedroom. The sight I see shocks me to my core.

I see a woman in bleeding in a pool of her own blood, dragging herself across the ground in the direction of Izuku's cradle. She had green hair, about the same shade as Izuku's, so she's probably her mother.

I hold Izuku tight against my chest and push her head into the crook of my neck. To make sure she doesn't see anything. I then run to the woman and see the multiple stab wounds in her back. She's severely bleeding from her stomach and another wound near he chest. At this rate she won't make it.

I dial 911 "911 whats your emergency?", " THIS IS PROHERO EEASER HEAD, I HAVE A WOMAAN WHOSE SEVERELY BLEEDING AT ******** SEND AN AMBULANCE AND LET DETECTIVE TSUKAUCHI KNOW." Izuku somehow fell asleep while I was yelling into the phone, so I placed her on my back while holding her there with my capture gear. I cut the capture gear and use it as a bandage and put pressure on the wounds and ask her to stay awake. I hear sirens in the distance Then I hear a raspy, emotion filled voice.

"Take care of my baby.....please"

"no..No...NO, stay awake.STAY AWAKE" I start yelling before realizing that She's already dead. The ambulance arrived and the medics came and took her away.

I went to a police officer in the scene and asked,"what's gonna happen to Izuku?", with hope that she had a good home to go to, he replied with a sad tone,"we cant find any living relatives so she'll most likely go into foster care..." I was not going to let that happen. Foster care could be good but it could be really really bad as well. And the possibility of something bad happening to this child itself was outrageous to me.

"That wont be necessary, I'll be adopting her. Please get me the necessary paperwork." The police officer looked genuinely surprised and I could see a little bit of relief, I guess no one wanted this little tuft of green to go into foster care, " right away eraserhead"

I smiled thinking about the little child growing up with me

I call Zashi to tell him what happened, completely ignoring stupid fight.



"Sho what's is it? Are you fine? Are you hurt? Dis something happen?" 'Looks like zashi forgot about it', "everything's fine zashi kinda adopted a kid"


"Zashi?", then i heard scrambling "I'm sorry what now?", Aizawa couldnt help but stifle a laugh,"I adopted a kid, her name is Izuku and I love her, I found her in an apartment crying and her mom is dead, her mom's dying words were to take care of her and I will be doing just that"

"...that's great news sho. Why dont you come home and we'lltake her shopping tomorrow, we'llset up her room too"

"thanks zashi"

*time skip to when Izuku and Aizawa get home*

*3rd pov*

Aizawa picked Izuku up and walked to the front door. Aizawa lived in a house that looked like this

(I wont put too many pictures but I will try cus I'm terrible at describing things)

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(I wont put too many pictures but I will try cus I'm terrible at describing things)

*Aizawa's pov*

I walked in with Izuku and opened the door. Zashi looked me in the eye and then at Izuku who was playing with my scarf again and he literally fainted.

I sighed

'this is going to be hard'

983 words

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