Part 40

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"I'm sorry I wasn't there"


*Shoto pov*

I went home after Izu fell asleep because I was suspended for 3 days, Izuku was gonna go back to her house because she they gave her a break. When I got home, Endewhore was standing in the hallway with a stern look on his face. I rolled my eyes, "what do you want?", I said. I expected a slap to the face but instead he said, "why did I get a call from your school saying you beat up a student?"

"That student sexually harassed my girlfriend and worsened her injuries. I wasn't gonna just let him be. If I did he would probably try to pull it again", I said plainly. He sighed, walked away and said, "fine.."

What the fuck

Did he just- what?!

I was so confused, why didn't he get mad? My curiosity got the best of me and I went to the livingroom where he was eating some pudding.

"Listen I hate you and everything but I wanted to ask you something", I said, he didn't get mad! What the hell is going on?!

"What is it?", I sat in front of him, "not that I care about what you think but are you fine with my relationship with Izuku? You've been weird since you met her", I tensed as he opened his mouth to say something.

"That girl.... I bumped into her one day, she blatantly told me everything I was doing wrong. She told me about how I'm an atrocious person who doesn't deserve to have such good children. She went on to explain how I should try and fix my 'terrible personality' and how to mend things with my family", I was so surprised.

"She said I should start with you since I've hurt you the most, then Natsu, then Fuyumi and then eventually your mother....." he sighed and he smiled lightly.


"The thing is, she didn't just leave after insulting me. She got a hold of my number and sent me a long message on how to be better. I tried to block her but she knows how to hack. She sends me lists of your likes and dislikes, she sent me a really simple recipe for soba, which I found out is your favorite"

"She sent me some pictures of you saying, 'I know you don't have any pictures of him' I looked at all the pictures and saw how happy you were when you're around her and how your face just sinks when you're around me.", he had a really sad expression on her face.

"I've been such a terrible person. I've done such unforgivable deeds and I know you won't forgive me, the others won't either, but I want to be better, I want to change and your girlfriend is kind enough to help me. She's a great person who'll improve your life by leaps and bounds. So to answer your question, yes, I'm fine with your relationship with Aizawa", he stood up and walked away.

I didn't move for an hour, I sat there thinking about what just happened. I came to one conclusion.

What the actual fuck

I ran out of the house without even putting on my shoes. I sprinted to her house and rang the bell. Mic sensei opened the door and I ran up the stairs to her room. I opened the door and saw her playing with latte. I slammed the door shut and hugged her, well I basically pounced on her (pun intended)

She giggled, "hi Shoto", I lifted her up and sat on her bed. I hugged her again.

"Thank you"

"For what?", she asked as she put her hand on my cheek, gently. "My dad told me about how you've been helping him get better, he's actually trying and it's actually working", she smiled and kissed me. I pulled her onto my lap, "you're the best thing that ever happened to me", I pulled her close and hugged her.

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