Quirk details+other stuff (Necessary)

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You need to read the stuff about the quirk and the plain bold stuff. You dont need to read the rest, that's just some extra information.


Quirk: Lux

Abilities: controlling light, healing, make anything out of light, etc. (Unknown)


Healing uses a lot of energy and can overwhelm the user causing them to remain unconscious for long periods of time, depending on amount of energy consumed.

If user isnt exposes to natural light atleast once every 5 days, user will experience withdrawls and may fall sick.

Additionall information:

1. Quirk is strongest during the day.
2. Artificial light can be used, although it is significantly weaker than natural light.
3. User cannot create living things like animals or plants.


That's about it I'm making this stuff up as we go along but if you have any questions go ahead and ask me.

If I do get questions ,which I doubt I will since I'm such a crappy writer, I will answer them at the end of the chapter. If there are more than 3 (which again I doubt) then I will have a Q&A chapter

In the next chapter, a time skip takes place and Izuku and Hitoshi are 14 years old. Aizawa has been training Izuku and Hitoshi relentlessly.

Izuku is a lot stronger. They've been examining her quirk and testing its limits. She can now heal two ppl who are fatally wounded, without breaking a sweat.

Hitoshi attends the same online school that Izuku did. Izuku finished middle school studies and just reads educational books on the side. She isn't a genius but she is extremely smart.

Hitoshi is really really smart too but he didn't want to rush things so he's gonna graduate at the same time as the other kids his age.

Izuku and Hitoshi specialize in hand to hand combat because of Aizawa. And are extremely strong. They are both addicted to coffee and love sleeping.

The cats love Hitoshi. They mostly hang out in Izuku's room because theres a lot of sun light there, so it's a great place to sleep.

Tea and latte are always around Izuku.

Espresso and cappuccino are usually with Hitoshi.

Coffee hangs out with Aizawa.

None of the cats like Hisashi because he's really loud, and that makes him really sad.

They got a new kitten, they named him Justin because why the hell not. He's really sweet and is still getting used to everyone but it looks like he likes Izuku the most.

Mic moved in with Aizawa, about a year after Izuku got her quirk, which was when they got married

They blackmailed Izuku into being the flower girl. Hitoshi was Aizawa's best man and Hisashi's was his nephew. Nemuri got drunk.

Their honeymoon consisted of going to the Maldives with the kids because they didn't trust anyone to take care of them.

Izuku was hot. She has short hair just like in the anime. She has long eyelashes and long legs, but she was still short. Her chest was medium sized (the size doesn't matter, all sizes are perfect you assholes) and her sense of fashion is amazing.

She's obviously oblivious to her beauty.

If you have any questions feel free to put it in the comments section


560 words

Ignore all typos

She named her quirk Lux because it means 🌠light🌠 in Latin.

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