Filler 1

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*Izuku pov*

I got a text saying "I need you to come to my house", from Shoto. He spent the entire day with his family, because of his sister's request. He was against it but she insisted so he had to go. I got to his house and before I could knock on the door it was slammed open and I was dragged up to Shoto's room. He closed the door and faced me. I sat on the bed.

His eyes were closed and his face was all scrunched up, it was super cute. "Izuuuuuuuuuuu", he said dragging out my name. I got off the bed and went to my boyfriend. I held his head in my hands and kissed him lightly. He kissed back. I pulled him to his bed and sat down. Shoto had other plans, he put his arm around me and pulled me close to him as he layed on the bed. I shuffled around until I was facing him.

"What's wrong Shoto?", he pulled me closer. "I'm tired", he said with a tiny pout. I giggled and hugged him. "Well did you atleast have fun?", he shook his head. "Fuyumi dragged us all around the amusement park and dad was just super serious on all the rides. Natsu tried to stay as far away from dad and I didn't even get any cotton candy", I laughed. "I'll buy you cotton candy later okay?"

"Hmm okay", I reached for my phone since it was on the bedside table but Shoto wouldn't let go. "Shoto I want my phone", he flipped me over to the other side of the bed so I was farther away from it. "Are you serious?", I asked. He nodded his head and snuggled into me, he buried it into the crook of my neck.

"Shoto I'm not sleepy", I said plainly. "Who said we were sleeping", he said with a dangerously deep voice that sent shivers down my spine. He kissed my neck which was already littered with fading hickeys. I moaned quietly. "Shoto I don't have any turtle necks left", he bit down and I moaned. "I don't care sweetheart", he said as he brushed his lips against my neck. I put my hand over my mouth to try and stifle the moans but he took my wrists into his hands and pinned them over my head. "You're so needy today", i said, he groaned, "shut up", as he smashed our lips together. We battled for dominance but I lost almost immediately. He stopped kissing me and slowly moved down to my neck again.

He found my sweet spot and abused it, kissing, licking, biting, sucking he was doing it all. He slowly made his way up to my lips and looked into my eyes as our lips brushed against eachother.

"Can I kiss you?"

(Consent is sexy)

I was blushing like crazy
Eventhough we had just made out I loved that he asked me, I loved these little things that he did, all the pet peeves that he had, the little details that he paid attention to. I nodded and our lips connected immediately, he bit my lip asking for entrance and I denied it, he put his hand in my hair and lightly tugged at it which surprised me so I gasped. He took the chance to slip his tongue in and we started making out once more.

After 5 minutes we parted for air and he rolled off the bed. He went to a his cupboard and took some clothes out. He threw a shirt at me. It was a turtleneck!

I smiled and wore it. It was way too big for me but it was super comfy, it smelled like him too, the light pine scent made my heart flutter. I was wearing shorts so it probably looked like I was only wearing the shirt. It was winter so it also kept me warm. I looked up and saw Shoto. His face was red. I went to him put my hand on his forehead it felt fine. "Shoto are you sick?", I asked because he was seriously red, like an unhealthy amount of red. He looked away and nodded. He turned back and saw me then he fell on his knees. "What are you doing to me?", I heard him whisper.

I laughed, "is that why you're so flustered", he rushed to me and put an arm around my waist and the other around my neck. He kissed me passionately. I was surprised but I melted into it. I looked at him in shock. "What was that for?", he smiled and said, "I'm not tired anymore" I took his hand and we went downstairs. I sat at the table while Shoto got us some food.

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