Part 7

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Good  night sweetie


*Izuku pov*

I woke up at like 5.30 in the morning. My dad woke up  because of my shuffling. I shouldn't have moved that way I could've avoided this conversation for longer.

He started groaning, probably because it was early."What time is it"
He said,"I'm guessing about 5.30", he groaned again, sat up and looked at me.

"You have to talk about it sometime kid, might as well do it now", he said. I nod and he gets up, gets the snacks he had in his bag and we sit on the bed and get prepared.

I take a deep breath and say

"I've been getting bullied since the first day of elementary school", I see his face drop.

"How often?" He asks, not making eye contact.

"Everyday that I went to school"

"How bad?" He asks, trying to hold back tears

On the verge of tears I say,"suicide notes, red spider lilies, extra homework, Bruises, cuts and....burns"

He looks up with red eyes,"who?",he asks, with venom in his voice.

", this is why I didn't want to tell you. You'd go around shutting down schools, getting students expelled and permanently ruining their records. For God's sake, you'd probably  sue them or something", I say tears spilling down my face.

"Izuku this isn't a choice, either you tell me who hurt you for 3 god damn years and made you cover it up and asked you to take your own life or...", he hesitated for a second," or I will get Nezu to get footage of it. If that doesn't work then I will make every damn students from your school go to the police station and get interrogated by Tsukauchi."he says

"Can you just stop. Stop worrying about me. Stop doing anything for me. If you're that determined just transfer me. Leave the school alone. I'm happy with my life with you and all the cats and aunty Nem and Papa Zashi and uncle Nezu and everyone else, happier than you'll ever know." I say trying my hardest not to sob,"but I hate it when you worry, I hate it when you're sad because of me. So just stop. I'll regret my entire life if you do this for me, so please, just stop", I didn't realise I stood up, so I sat back down, and started sobbing.

I felt my dad come near me and hug me,"I only worry because I love you and I'm never sad because of you, I'm just mad at what made you sad"he said and kissed my forehead, he rubbed circles on my back. I hugged him back and cried into his shirt . We stayed like that for who knows how long until I said,"are there any pop tarts in the snacks you brought with you?", "yeah I always carry pop tarts in case you're hungry, there's also a thermos with coffee that I brought yesterday", I looked up, smiled and said,"great"

*Time skip to 8AM*(its a saturday)

*Aizawa pov*

Izuku and I had a long talk and we agreed on me glaring at all the students that I passed in her schools hallway on my way to the principal's office, and me yelling at the principal.

What she did not know is that I'm gonna tell Nezu everything and I'm gonna let him do whatever the hell he wants. He loves Izu and he'd get revenge for me so I wouldn't mind.

I also convinced her to attend online school since she knows everything and there's a guarantee that she wouldn't get hurt anymore also there's also an added bonus, she can stay with me all the time so I know she's safe, but she doesn't need to know that last part.

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