Part 38

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*Izuku pov*

I woke up feeling really sore. I took a deep breath and I could smell disinfectants.


I'm in the hospital.

I opened my eyes slowly and saw Toshi sitting on one side of the bed and papa and dad on the other. I looked around and saw Shoto on a bed next to me. They were all sleeping.

I tried moving and instantly regretted it. My stomach started throbbing with pain, "aaahhh", I whisper yelled, trying not to wake anyone up.

It didn't work.

Every damn person in the room got up. They saw me awake and hugged me. I winced in pain because Toshi accidentally touched my stomach.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry Izu", he said, I smiled and replied, "its alright Toshi", he was gently but hurriedly pushed aside by Shoto who also gave me a tight hug. He started crying. I hugged him back tightly and stroked his hair. When dad did it for me it always calmed me down. Looks like it works for everybody because his sobs soon turned to sniffles.

We pulled away and I kissed him. After everyone finished their quota of crying, by everyone I mean papa. He was just bawling. I calmed him down too and then I said, "can dad and I talk alone?", everyone nodded.

Toshi and papa left and Shoto went back to his bed after pulling the curtain to give us some privacy.

I looked to dad and before he could say anything I said, "I'm so sorry", and I started crying too. Dad smiled and got onto the bed next to me. He pulled me into a warm embrace and kissed me on my forehead.

"It's alright sweetie. I'm just glad you're safe. I'm really proud of you too", he said and I melted into his chest. "Thanks dad", I said through my sobs.

I didn't realise when I fell asleep but I woke up again with dad next to me on his phone. He was watching the news.

"The hero killer Stain was apprehended two days ago during the chaos that took over the city of Hosu.", the news lady said, "Izuku Aizawa, hero name 'Clara' a first year student from UA high who was interning with prohero Hawks, fought the villain and took him down, alone."

Thats when dad shut off his phone and looked at me. "Everyone knows you're my kid now, not that I'm complaining it's just that you need to be more careful." He said with a sigh. I nodded and said, "why did they say I took him down on my own? Shoto helped me", dad was about to speak but someone interrupted him, "I can explain that"

I turned around and saw a dog person that I recognized as the chief of police. "Hello officer", I said with a smile, "hello Izuku. Now to answer your question, Young Todoroki wasn't permitted to use his quirk which is why he was excluded from the credits"

He sat down on a chair nearby, "we could have risked a lawsuit if news got out. We are greatly indebted to both of you, you've done an impeccable deed. You will be awarded a medal if honour but that isn't until later", I nodded but I was kinda bummed that Shoto didn't get any credit.

The chief left and dad had to go back to work. Shoto came to my bed. We started watching T.V. "By the way why're you in the hospital?", he put his arm around me and said, "oh I really overused my quirk so I need to stay here. I get to leave tomorrow though." 

I snuggled into him and we continued with our movie. After a while we got bored and started talking.

"Did the class hear?", I asked. He shook his head, " I don't know", he said, "oh my god", he exclaimed. "You're famous now", I rolled my eyes.  "Not too famous I hope", I say with a bored tone.

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