Part 9

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*Izuku pov*

I closed my eyes and screamed with everything I had.

When I opened my eyes I saw a yellow barrier around my dad and I saw the pieces of the ice spear around it. My dad was inside the barrier, no new injuries. I feel really weird. I look to my left to see Toshi, jaw dropped and eyes wide open. I see my dad shocked looking between me and the barrier. Then I realise that I  did that.


Wait that doesn't matter right now. We need to help dad. While I was thinking up a plan, Blizzard tries to break through the barrier. Then Toshi asks him, very politely, " hey, could you stop doing that please?", Blizzard glares at Toshi  and replies,"shut it br-",  his eyes go white and he stands still,"take all your goons, go to the police station and turn yourselves in", he walks away.

I run to dad knowing that Blizzard  doesn't pose a threat anymore.

I somehow take the barrier down and go to his side. I put pressure on the wound but I know he's lost too much blood already.

I start crying and sobbing,"you're gonna be fine, you're gonna be fine", I say to him but mostly trying to reassure myself. Toshi runs to dad too and starts weeping.

"Hey, its alright" dad says, but I dont believe him. We both hug him and he hugs back."listen. I love you guys okay. I love you both so much. You'll both do well. Even if I'm not there.",Toshi starts to pull me away but I escape from his grip and go back to dad. I wipe away my tears and say with determination,

"No I wont."

I put my hands on his wound and I take that weird feeling and I try to channel that into dad's bleeding wound, I close my eyes and after about 10 seconds I look down to see his wound closed.

I was so exhausted. I look to him, and ask,"you good?", he nods, eyes wide with surprise  I reply,"great, cus I'm not", and I faint.

*Aizawa pov*

"No I wont"

Izu says and puts her hands on my wound. I try and lift my arms to push her away but I'm way too weak. Then I see her close her eyes and she starts glowing and her hair is floating. Then I feel something tingling near my stomach. I see my wound closing.


After about 10 second my wound is almost fully healed. She looks at me and asks,"you good?", I nod in shock. "Great, cus I'm not." Then she falls unconscious next to me.

Hitoshi came running to me and he saw the closed wound and started weeping even more than before. He hugged me and a laid down on my other side, still crying, Before I knew it I could hear little snores from him. Eventually I fell asleep too, but before I did, I heard the faint sound of sirens.

*Time skip to when they're at the hospital*

*Aizawa pov*

I woke up to a beeping noise and the smell of disinfectant.


I'm at the hospital.

I open my eyes and close them immediately because of the blinding lights. I open them again  really slowly, adjusting to the light. I see a TV in front of me a door next to it.

I look to my left and see Zashi reading some catalogue and Hitoshi sleeping. I clear my throat. He looks at me and whisper yells, "Sho!!", I try to speak but go into a fit of coughing, which wakes Hitoshi up. He grabs a glass of water, while Hitoshi jumps on top of me and hugs me. I smile and drink the water.

I recall all the incidents and ask,"where's Izu?", they give each other worried looks and they point to my right. I then realise this is a joint room and Izu was sleeping on the other bed. I see her all cuddled up. She looks so cute. "What happened, how long had it been?" I ask,"its been two days. The doctor said she overused her newly developed quirk and she's gonna sleep for a bit.", I feel kinda bad because she overused it for me, "when will she wake up?", Zashi looks at me with bright eyes,"the doctor said she'd wake up in two days so, she should wake up today. I was so relieved.

I laid back down and asked,"can you get me some black coffee with triple shot espresso?", Hitoshi started laughing and Zashi looked at me and said,"Its 8PM. You're not getting any coffee", I start groaning when a nurse walks in and says,"I'm sorry sir but visiting hours are over,oh and Mr Aizawa we'll check your vitals in a few minutes" then she leaves, and so do Hitoshi and Zashi, after giving me a hug and a kiss.

I lay back down and the  nurse walks in, she takes my vitals and leaves after letting me know that everything was normal. I turned on the TV and started watching some crap TV show.

About an hour later I hear shuffling, and look to see Izuku waking up.

*Izuku's pov*

I smell disinfectants


I'm at the hospital. Them I recall all of the events and I open my eyes, immediately regretting my decision. "Damn bright lights", I mumble and them I hear someone mumble from my left," She's too much like me" I see my dad on a hospital bed smirking.


I scramble off the bed and jump on him. "Hi sweetie", I started crying- typical. "Are you okay, did it work, what happened, how long has it been, is Hitoshi fine-", "Izuku slow down"he said smiling. "I'm fine, yes it worked, I don't know what happened, it's been two days and Hitoshi is perfectly healthy. More importantly,  how are you feeling?",He was really happy. "I feel good I think, a little sore. That's it"

"Oh fuck!!!" I exclaim.

"Language" he says with a bored but amused tone

"Dont be a hypocrite, also I have a quirk!!!!!"

"Oh fuck, you have a quirk" he says and I laugh.

"Dad, do you know what my quirk is?"

"No sweetie. But you've got some crazy OP quirk. I mean you can defend and heal! Imagine what else you can do!" He says and I get kinda shy and shrink into his chest. "I think they're gonna do some tests tomorrow", I nodded my head.

I looked around the room and said,"hey how come only you get a TV?", he huffs at the question and says,"its cus you're a baby." He recieved a slap on his arm for his  remark. "Its true Izu. You cant deny it forever.", "shut up", I say, I was getting kind of annoyed, and I think he noticed. He knows not to get me angry.

He changes the topic, a wise decision. and says ,"we should sleep now. It's late and we make too much noise when we're awake." I giggle and I ask him," hey dad can I sleep with you today?", "you can sleep with me any day you want Izu", he says with a very relieved tone. I get comfy and whisper

"Thanks dad"

I know I'm terrible at fight scenes and that the chapter is sappy but I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

1157 words

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