Part 13

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Tomorrow was gonna be a long day


Hitoshi is taking the recommended exam because Izuku is more suited for the general exam


*Izuku pov*

I woke up at 5.50 cus of my alarm. Toshi started groaning. "Its too early for this crap", he says. I throw a pillow at his head."wake up idiot it's exam day" he sits up and his eyes shoot open,"FUCK!", he yells and opens his eyes. Big Mistake, my room was really bright, because if my quirk. "LANGUAGE HITOSHI", papa says from the kitchen. I laugh again and push Hitoshi out of my room, who was still in a daze from the bright room.

I take a shower and put on black track pants with a yellow crop top and go downstairs. I steal dad's coffee and start revising for the written exam.

Hitoshi comes down wearing grey track pants and a black shirt. He comes to me and sits in the chair opposite to me. I start asking him important questions and he answers all of them correctly. Dad gets another cup of coffee and Papa makes a cup for Hitoshi. I steal Dad's coffee again and he groans. I feel bad for him but not bad enough to give him his coffee back.

We get into the car and head out. Papa was driving today because Dad didn't have enough coffee in his body to drive. Papa put on some music and we all sang, I say sang but we were mostly yelling, 'Don't stop me now' by queen. Dad was groaning the entire time.

We reached UA where Toshi and I went to the entrance while dad and papa went to park their car.

We were walking in when I tripped, braced myself for the impact but it never came. I opened my eyes and saw that I was floating. "I'm sorry I used my quirk on you but it's bad luck to fall before an exam.", I looked at her and I say,"thank you, I'm Midoriya Izuku.", "Uraraka Ochako, it's nice to meet you", "you too -ow",I say as my head gets smacked by Hitoshi. "Well I should probably go. Gotta get a good seat", "yeah see you around, Uraraka", I say. Toshi looks at me and he says "how can you fit all that clumsiness in that tiny body of yours?", I just glare at him

We start walking to the door when I trip again and fall on top of something. I realized that I didnt fall on something, I fell on someone. I open my eyes to see the most beautiful person I have ever seen. His eyes were so pretty and he had a scar on his left eye. His hair was white on one side and red on the other. I quickly scramble off of the person and say,"sorry", while looking at the ground. "It's alright", the beautiful boy says while looking straight into my eyes. He had a slight pink blush on his cheeks, but everyone I see has the same look so I just brush it off. Then Hitoshi drags me away, saying we'd be late for the exam, while glaring at the pretty boy. I wave to him and he lifts his hand in response.

Toshi and I part ways and I go to the general exam section. I choose some random chair and take a seat. Papa walks in and screams."CAN I GET A YEAHHH!!!!!", I roll my eyes.


"Tough crowd" he says and screams again, "CAN I GET A YEAHHHHHH!!!!"


He gives us a sad expressions and starts explaining the exam. I didn't really pay attention because I knew all this already. Some guy with blue hair stands up and says,"sir this pamphlet says there are 4 robots and you've only explained 3, with the title of the most prestigious hero school in japan you should be ashamed of yourselves. And you the one with the messy green hair, you should be paying attention to what Present Mic is saying, your blatant act of ignorance doesn't make you as cool as you think.", I was getting mad. "Okay person who seems to have a stick up their ass", I say, getting a few looks of surprise, "if you'd have waited for about 2 more minutes you would have realized that Present Mic was gonna explain that the fourth robot is a ruse and has 0 points. I already know all of this so I elected to instead, think about my strategy for this exam. Don't accuse anyone of anything without getting all the facts next time, attention seeker. Sit your ass back down and shut up.","o-of course. My apologies" he said, bowing down

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