Part 45

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Fuck. Where is she.


*Izuku pov*

I woke up but the air felt hostile, I didn't open my eyes and I didn't move. I felt something in my mouth and around my waist, wrist and ankles. It smelled like alcohol, blood and cleaning supplies.

"You're obviously awake, your breathing pattern changed and your body tensed up", I sighed and opened my eyes. I was in a bar I think. There was a gag thing in my mouth and my wrists and ankles were bound to a chair with quirk cancelling cuffs. There was a belt thing around my stomach that went around the chair I was in. I couldn't move.

I was really scared but I wouldn't let them have that power. I turned my head in the direction of the voice and saw the guy with black hair, then I remembered Kachan and the camp.

I struggled in my restraints and tried to speak, "mhmmm hmhm", was all that came out. The guy with black hair rolled his eyes, he looked at a stool at the bar and I saw Shigaraki Tomura. He nodded his head and the black-haired guy took off the gag.

"Where's Kachan?", I asked. They all laughed. "Have a look at the situation you're in, if I were you, I'd be more worried about myself than some kid. Don't worry he was never our target, you were", Shigaraki said. I was freaking out but I didn't show it. I relaxed. "Thank God"

"What time is it, it's so dark in here that I can't even tell if it's day", I looked around the room in the pretence of trying to figure out the time. What I was actually doing was looking for an exit.

"It's 10 am, you've been here for about 4 hours", I nodded my head. "Oh my god, I've always wanted to do the 'prisoner struggles in restraints for no apparent reason' bit" I dramatically shook the cuffs, it looked like I was being stupid but I was moving the cuffs in every possible direction, trying to find a weak spot.

"Haha that was fun", I said. They all looked confused. "Anyway, time for introductions, I'm Dabi", I nodded, "so when are you gonna tell me your real name?" I asked, he looked shocked and walked away. "Hi Izuku-kun, my name is Himiko Toga.", I nodded at the blood girl. "My name is Kurogiri, if you need anything, you may ask me", I nodded at him too. Why was he being so polite? Everyone introduced themselves.

"Yeah, my names Shigaraki Tomura or whatever. Now let's get straight to the point, you will join us", I was confused. "Is that a question because you phrased it wrong", I said. "No, it wasn't a question. It was a statement", he said clearly annoyed.

I laughed, "good luck with that dude, I'm training to be a hero. I'm not gonna join one of the most wanted villain group just for kicks", he stood up and walked over to me.

"You will join us. That's it" then he went back to his seat. I huffed. "I'm going to save you a lot of trouble. I'm not gonna join you, so if you let me go now, I'll never speak of this ever again.", "you're not leaving. You'll join us even if we have to make you"

"By the mere fact that I have no injuries that I didn't have before, I can tell that you aren't allowed to harm me. So enjoy the time you have with me because I can get really annoying", he just ignored me.

"Yo Dabi, Toga. I'm bored as fuck. What do you do for fun around here?" they both shrugged. I sighed, "Mr. Compress, do you have any cards that aren't trick?" He stood up and nodded. He ran into a room and came out with two decks of cards. I had Dabi move my chair to a nearby table and we all gathered around it. "We're playing bluff, do y'all know how to play?", I asked. They shook their heads.

"Well, you just lie. Okay, I'll say I'm putting down three queens, and then I put three cards on the table. If you think I'm lying then you can call me on it and look at the cards that I put. If they really are three queens then you need to take the cards if they aren't I need to take em. If no one calls it then we keep playing. The joker can be any card"

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