Part 48

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I'm safe.


*Shoto pov*

It had been four days since we saved Izuku and Hitoshi and I were still getting lectured about how reckless it was to do that. The first day was just Detective Tsukauchi and the chief of police, the second day was Nezu, Iida and all the other teachers. Today was the worst, Mr. Aizawa had taken it upon himself to scold us everytime either one of us made eye contact and to make things worse, Endeavor said he needed to tak to me.

AFO was in tartarus with the others from the league, God I hope they get what they deserve.

It was 9am on a Wednesday. Izuku was still unconcious, turns out they put really strong drugs in her food and water, and she hadn't been exposed to sunlight in a long time so she was experiencing severe withdrawls. The doctors said it would be a few days before she woke up.

I spent my time in the hospital next to her or with Hitoshi. The truth is Bakugou, Momo and Kiri also came along with us, but we left them behind when we saw Mr. Aizawa getting choked by AFO. They didn't show themselves since Izu was safe and an all out battle was taking place.

Toshi and I had gotten really close over the few days that Izuku was missing. We had quite a bit in common. We both loved Izuku, just not in the same way, we both hated talking to people, except for a few. He liked video games like I video games. He had photos of Izuku and I had photos of Izuku.

I was lying next to Izuku's bed, sitting in a chair. Hitoshi, Mr. Aizawa and Mic sensei were sitting in the same position around her bed. We had a rotation system for who got to hold her hand. Today Mr. Aizawa and I were holding her hand while the others were just sleeping near her.

She looked like she was having a good dream, she was smiling faintly, the sun light hit her at just the right angle. Her freckles were scattered perfectly across her face, her untamed hair was messy yet beautiful at the same time. As I was staring at the wonderful existence that is by some god given miracle- my girlfriend, her eyes fluttered open and I saw her viridian eyes glimmering in the light.

She shuffled lightly and woke the others up but before they could even speak I planted a deep kiss on her soft lips. She kissed back immediately after recovering from the shock of the sudden motion. We parted after a few seconds because some idiot decided to pull me off her. It was Mr. Aizawa, I take back what I said.

He pushed me away and hugged his daughter. "I missed you", he said as ters spilled from his eyes. Izuku just nodded while she cried into his shoulder. Then he was shoved aside and Mic sensei pulled her into a really tight embrace, she didn't mind it though. "I'm sorry I left", she said as she hugged him, "sweetie it wasn't your fault, I'm just teally glad you're back, I love you so much" he said.

Hitoshi didn't even wait for him to move. He snaked his arm between both of them and shoved him aside as he hugged her. "You have no clue how much I missed you", Izuku smiled as tears rolled down her face. "I bet I missed you way more", she said. He smirked shakily, "fat chance" after they hugged for a while. Finally I was allowed to get my share of hugs.

I crawled into her bed and hugged her. We didn't say anything, just layed there, cuddling. Unspoken words being exchanged through our insignificant actions. She stroked my hair softly and I buried my face into the crook of her neck. She kissed my forehead. I looked into her eyes, she looked into mine and I kissed her cheek. She smiled lightly and layed next to me, her head on my arm, my hand on her face, I lightly caressed it and put our foreheads together. We fell asleep next to eachother in comfortable silence.

*Time skip to around 3pm*

I woke up because of the sound of the door opening. Izuku was slowly making her way to my chest, I huffed in amusement. The other Aizawas went home. Aizawa because he had paperwork, Mic because he had another hero conference that he couldn't get out of, that's why he wasn't at the raid. Hitoshi because he had a date with Kami. He hadn't told me exactly what happened but something happened when Izuku went missing.

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