Part 32

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Cus dad saw


*Aizawa pov*

I was in my sleeping bag thinking about the terrible things I've done to my beautiful daughter when I saw her walk in.

I hadn't slept since she left and I guess that shows on my face because she walked up to me and said, "I'll come to the lounge later. You can sleep then but I'm still extremely mad at you, dont forget that", then she walks away. I was so happy. She still cares atleast.

I saw her sit down and then the Todoroki boy looked at her with concern in his eyes. I guess he isn't half bad. She smiles back and the bell rings.

"Heres the internship offer thingy. After this you're gonna have to pick your hero names and then you have regular battle training", I said. And went back to my sleeping bag. I took another look at the board cus Izuku was first and Hitoshi was fourth. I was so fucking proud of them.

I looked at my problem children from where I was on the floor and I saw Hitoshi smack Izuku's head and then kiss her. My children were so bloody great.

I saw Todoroki go to Izuku's desk and try to compliment her. It was so bad I would've laughed if I weren't so tired. Then Izuku asked him a question and he shrugged and she said something while giggling and then she kissed his nose. I was glad that she was happy.

I must've started smiling cus Izuku was looking at me with a curious gaze. I turned around and then I heard everyone complimenting Izuku's offers. I turned back around to see everyone happy.

Then I saw the grapist trying to grope my baby Izuku.

*Shoto pov*

I saw a tiny hand reaching up for Izu's chest and I realised it was the grapist's I quickly moved to stop it and so did four other people. Hitoshi, Bakugou, Mina and Kirishima.

"What the fuck grapist?"

"No man should ever do that to a woman."

"That's disgusting Mineta"

"If you ever pull something like that, not only on my girlfriend but any woman. Consider yourself dead"

We all yelled until we felt an ominous stare. We all looked in that direction and saw Aizawa sensei.

We all moved back. Aizawa sensei came forward and picked Mineta up by the back of his collar.

"Mineta you're expelled. You will never become a hero. Don't expect to get into any other hero schools, I have connections. Now get the fuck out of my sight", then he just threw him out of the window and that's the last we saw of him.

That's when Midnight bursts into he room and says, "let's pick hero names!", we all sat back down and came up with our hero names.

*time skip to after everyone did their hero name stuff*

I walked to the front of the class and displayed my board


I didn't actually care about the name. Everyone asked me if I was sure and I just nodded. I went back to my seat and waited until it was Izu's turn.

She looked so nervous. I got her attention and smiled. She perked up and displayed her board.


"I seem to like latin a lot.", she said while laughing lightly, "since my quirk is latin I thought 'why not my hero name too', Clara means 'bright' in latin" after saying that, she just ran back to her seat. I smiled and nodded to her.

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