Part 33

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Oh, definitely


*shoto pov*

"I told Izuku that I was gonna marry her in the future and that I loved her", my sister Fuyumi shrugged and said, "I don't see what the problem is", I put my head in my hands, "we've been dating for less than a week" she spit out her tea, "dude you fucked up", my brother Natsu said as he entered the room. "No shit. Do you think she hates me?"

That's when we heard the doorbell ring, I went to see who it was. I opened the door and saw Izuku. I shut the door immediately. I heard laughing and then Izuku said, "hey Shoto I'm not mad at you or anything. I just came to say that I love you too.", wait, what, "and we won't need to elope, we'll have a regular wedding without anyone running away." Then I heard her walking away.

I slammed the door open and pulled her into a kiss. She melted into it and when we broke apart I put my head on her shoulder.

"By the way, my dad, papa and Toshi drove me here"  I froze. I lifted my head and saw Aizawa sensei eating popcorn with a frown on his face and present mic and Hitoshi laughing their asses off.

I waved awkwardly and Mic and Hitoshi waved back. Aizawa sensei was frowning but he wasn't glaring so I guess that was good.

I invited them in for tea but they declined, Izu came in though. The rest of the Aizawa family left.

The second Izu entered Fuyumi tackled her into a hug. "I'm so glad the person Shoto accidentally proposed to is so sweet", both of us blushed like crazy. "H-hello Todoroki-san", she said while bowing down. I started hugging her from behind.

"Oh, honey don't bow. You can call me Fuyumi. This is our brother Natsu. Just call everyone by their first names. And no need for honorifics", she said. "O-okay then", she said.

I pulled her in for tea and she sat down at the table. I sat next to her. Fuyumi and Izuku kept talking and Natsu kept giving me looks. I just brushed it off.

We were both about to head back to the dorms when Endewhore came in.

"What are you doing in my house again Aizawa", izuku had a tired look on her face, "well sir, I came to speak to your son then after that was finished, I was invited in for tea. I, being the nice and polite person that I am, agreed. I have just finished said tea and am now heading back to the dorms with Shoto", dad did not look very happy but he didn't do anything.

Boy did I speak too soon.

"Would you like to spar with me Aizawa?", I knew she was gonna agree so I put my hand on her mouth and quickly said, "actually we need to be back at the dorms."

She bit my hand. She bit my bloody hand. "Ow", I said giving her a pointed look. "Actually I would love to spar.", she said with a smirk. "Great. Follow me", and she did as she was told. I did too, reluctantly.

We got to the training room and Izuku took off her shirt to reveal a sports bra. At first, I was dumbstruck but then I collected myself and covered her up by hugging her. "Um shoto I can't really spar if you're hugging me the entire time.", she said. "Wear a fucking shirt", I said and she started laughing, "Shoto I don't want that shirt to get burnt and I always train like this."

"Are you gonna hug the entire time or are you gonna fight", she pushed me away and got into a fighting stance.

"Quirks or no quirks?" She asked, sounding very serious. "Let's do no quirks", she nodded and he charged at her. She seemed like she expected this and she dodged quite gracefully by flipping over him.

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