Part 50

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*Timeskip to 8 years later, 1A is now 23 years old and they all became proheros*

*Izuku pov*

I jumped down from the fire escape while holding the villain by her collar. "I beat you, 6 to 5", Hitoshi groaned, "I'll beat you next time, its only because you got lucky", he put cuffs on the villain, "what does it feel like to be a loser, I wonder", he tried smacking my head but I dodged.

"Problem children, stop fooling around and just finish your job. I swear to god you idiots still act like 9 year olds", we quickly rushed to the police car and handed over the villains to avoid dad's rath. We went back to the rooftops and started patrol again.

"Hey dipshit, it's 4.30", Kachan said as he landed next to me and ran along side us. Panic rushed onto my face. "Oh my god, thank you so much Kachan.", I made wings and launched myself into the sky. "I call dibs on not giving the report", I said as I hurried. "You bastard!", Toshi yelled.

I rushed home and hopped into the shower, I washed my hair with the new, fancy shampoo and I used the vanilla scrub that Mina got me and got out, I dried my hair and wrapped a towel around my self. I went to my closet and looked inside. As I searched I realised how nervous I was. I called Mina who rushed over.

I heard the door bell ring and I ran to it, I almost tripped over Mia, dad and papa let me take Mia, Tea and Latte to my apartment while the others were still at their place. (the cats never die because I can't fucking deal with that shit) I opened the door and Mina rushed in.

"Okay now what time will he pick you up?", she asked. "Uhh 6, but I need to get ready and I have no fucking clue what to wear. I am not wearing a frock or a gown, I can't move in them and they don't have any pockets", she sighed in frustration. "let's go", she went to my closet and just threw clothes on the ground. I sat on my bed still in my towel.

"Izu. Babe. You have no clothes", I looked at her. "Have you considered the ones you just threw on the floor?", she rolled her eyes, "I brought a little something and before you say no, just try it on", she went to the living room and brought a bag I didn't know she had. She set it on the ground and lifted a beautiful lavender gown from the bag.

".....No", she dropped the gown back into the bag and threw a random shirt at me. "I'm gonna leave the gown here because I bought it for you, wear it for your next event or something", she hugged me. "All the best Izuku", then she left. I sat on my bed and stared at the bag. "I guess trying it on won't do any harm", I said as I took the gown out and maneuvered my way through all the confusing fabric. I slipped it on and looked at myself in the mirror.

"I clean up well", I thought outloud. I heard the door bell ring again "Izuku! I'm here", Shoto's voice called out, then I heard the door opening. I tried to get out of the dress but the zipper was stuck. "Just my luck" the doorknob turned and Shoto walked in. He saw me and his eyes went wide, his jaw dropped and the bouquet he bought fell on the floor.

"Oh come on I don't look bad", he shook his head and picked up the flowers which he then threw on the bed. He walked towards me and held me by my waist. "You look beautiful", was all he said before he kissed me. "But I like you better when you're in my shirt", I blushed.

"Well I'm not wearing it to dinner, Mina just gave it to me, I was just trying it on.", he nodded and hugged me, burying his face in the crook of my neck. "You smell really nice", He laughed as I blushed and started to leave but I held his hand, "umm, could you help with the zipper, i-its stuck", I said meekly. He smiled and slid the zip down easily, then he left the room. I changed into a skirt reluctantly and one of my 'fancy' shirts.

I left the room and saw Shoto on the couch playing with Mia, he had grown on her. "Come on, let's go", I said. I went to the door and put my shoes on. I looked at Shoto and noticed he was in a suit. "Hey, how come you're all fancy?", I asked. He looked down at his clothes and I saw panic but it dissipated almost immediately. "Umm work?", I just went along with it but it was weird.

I checked whether I had everything, the little box was in my pocket, I let out a sigh of relief. We left for the restaurant and just made small talk throughout the trip. It was somehow awkward today, maybe I was making it awkward, I was really nervous.

We stepped out of the car when we reached the restaurant and I handed the keys to the valet. We walked in and took our seats. A couple fans came and asked for mine and Shoto's autographs but nothing over the top.

"Are you fine Izu? You're not sick are you?", I shook my head, "I'm fine just tired", he nodded, I took a sip of wine and smiled. Dinner went by quickly which was a curse because I was way too nervous.

We left the restaurant and started walking around. "Shoto, close your eyes", he looked skeptical but closed his eyes anyway, "okay, but I need to talk to you after this", he said. talk about what? Did I do something?

I took his hand and quickly led Shoto to a spot I had prepared earlier with the Bakusquad and Toshi's help. We finally reached it. It was a spot in a field with fairy lights scattered across the long grass and in the trees. "Okay you can open them", his eyes slowly fluttered open and they went wide with surprise.

"Shoto Todoroki, I've never loved anyone as much as I love you. I'm so lucky to have spent these 8 years with you", I paused. "And I'd like to spend the rest of my life with you too- but only if you want to", I kneeled and took the small black velvet box from my pocket. "Will y-you marry me?", I opened the box and a simple platinum ring stood there.

He stood still for a moment and then he started laughing. I was horrified, what was going on? He wiped his eyes and kneeled in front of me. He took out a similar white box from his pocket and I gasped, Tears started to cloud my vision. "I was just gonna ask you that", he said as he laughed lightly at the end. He opened the box and a similar looking platinum ring sat in the box, only this one had a diamond embedded in it.

"After signing a document that I'm not sure is legal, your father gave me permission to do this. So, Izuku Aizawa-Yamada..", he took a deep breath. "Will you do me the honor-", "yes", I said as I threw myself onto him. I kissed him. "I love you so much", I said while crying. "I love you too, more than anything I've ever loved before", he said. He wiped a tear from my cheek and kissed me again. He took my left hand and slid the ring onto my finger, I did the same for his right. We kissed again and laughed as we cried.

"SHOTOOOOOO", we both jumped, I shot a light beam into the direction of the sound and looked into the trees where we saw Enji (Endeavor) standing up and smiling. "Way to give away our spot, and why'd you attack up you idiot", Kachan stood up and revealed himself from behind the bushes. Soon basically everyone we knew was standing up. "The fuck?", Shoto asked. I sighed and buried my face into Shoto's chest. "I told Mina", was all I said and he understood.

Everyone started congratulating us, papa was crying along with Fuyumi, Mina, Kami, Kiri, Uncle Nezu and Auntie Nem. Well I can't really say anything because I was bawling. Shoto kept kissing me, Kachan hugged me more than thrice, Toshi was just laughing. Dad kept threatening Shoto and kissing my cheek, forehead and hair. I was hugging everyone. All the girls squealed when they saw my ring. I looked at it carefully and noticed how beautiful it was, I took it off and on the inside there was an inscription.

'My one and only"

I burst into tears again, "Izu what's wrong?", I cried into Shoto's shirt, "you're so cringey", I showed him the ring, he laughed and hugged me. "You are too, you got the exact same thing inscribed on mine", I hit his chest playfully. Eventually everyone left and we were both on our own.

"So, When do you wanna get married?", he asked me, I smiled. "I don't know but I think I wanna marry you in the winter", he hugged me. "I wanna get married to you in the winter too", he said and be kissed my head. "I love you", he said. "I love you too"

We went to my apartment and slept in each other's arms, I ofcourse would end up on his chest by morning, old habits die hard.

"Good night Shoto"

CRINGE. I'm so frickin sorry, it was so cringey.

Also heads up, this story will end in the next few chapters. I hope you liked it. Please go read my other story, Jade.

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