Part 18

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*Aizawa pov*

I was in the observation room in my sleeping bag, thinking about Izuku, while watching her humiliate Bakugo and Iida. I stil had to get revenge on that fucking monster who hurt Izu, but that could wait. I looked back onto the screen and saw Izuku about to high five Uraraka when she was tackled. I stood up and ran to the building, I had no clue that Todoroki was closer because he was participating in the next exercise. All I had in my mind was Izuku.

I was approaching the room when I saw Bakugou leave. I pushed past him, quite violently, and stepped into the room to see Todoroki hugging my baby girl.

I walked upto them and forcefully ripping him off Izu. She looked at me with such disappointed and frustrated eyes. Then she jumped out of the window and rode her disc to god knows where. I yelled after her"Izuku! Come back", she didn't listen. J doubt she even hears me. I turned around and walked over to Todoroki with purposeful footsteps,"You stay away from my daughter.", I start walking away when I hear him say (lmao, rhyme)"I'm sorry sir, but I cant do that" I was mad.

"What the fuck did you just say to me kid" I see him flinch and I know that he's afraid of me. I walk off furiously and go to power loader.

*Shoto pov* ( surprise.)

"I'm sorry sir, but I can't do that", why the fuck did I say that!! What the hell is wrong with me. That hobo is gonna kill me.

"What the fuck did you just say to me kid", I flinch and he walks away seemingly furious. Training was canceled because of some staff meeting. I went back to the observation room because I left my bag there.

I saw Izuku there and my eyes lit up but it soon went away when I saw that she was crying. She brought her knees to her chest and her head was in her knees.

I went and sat next to her. And she noticed, lifted her head and went back to the same position.

I sat next to her and we remained in silence for about 2 minutes."you must think I'm crazy", she says with a sarcastic laugh,"why on earth would I think that?", I say in the softest voice I can muster, "because I'm stupid and I'm wasting your time", I smile and say,"you know you're the first friend I've ever made", she sits with her legs crossed,"you're the second friend I've ever made, not including my brother", I got curious and asked, "who was your first?", "she looks at me with puffy eyes and giggles a little. "You really want to know? It's quite surprising", I nod my head and she goes,


My eyes go wide,"wait seriously?", she stretches and says,"yup, I had an extremely crappy childhood. Severely bullied for 3 years and then overly protected for the rest of my life apparently", she talked about it like it was a joke.

"What about you", she goes. I look deep into her expectant eyes,"you swear to god you won't tell. And I mean this seriously. You cant tell a single damn soul.", she looks at me with worry in her eyes and quickly nods her head.

*Time skip to after he tell his entire story.* (I'm not skipping it because I'm lazy I'm skipping it because I dont want to fucking cry)

She started tearing up by the end. I'd never spoken about this to anyone so it was a huge load off my chest too. Then she did something totally unexpected. She hugged me. It wasn't awkward because I'd done it to her a few moments ago but this was different. It felt like, what I'd been starved of for most of my life was given to me.

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