Part 31

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About what


*Shoto pov*

We got to the kitchen and Hitoshi looked at me, "I told Izu that I would let her go out with whoever she wanted but that doesn't stop me from doing this. I already did this once before but I'm gonna do it again since you're conscious this time", I knew what was going, "okay go ahead"

"Alright. I just wanted to let you know that if you ever hurt her. You'll be dead before you can even think of regretting it. Which you definitely will"

I nod my head,"I understand", he smiled and said, "we all know we're too protective of her, but we can't help it. She's a baby", I didn't agree with that, "I get why you do it but you're  wrong. She's anything but a baby. She could take down our entire class without breaking a sweat. With obsidian, she could take Aizawa sensei. She could take all the teachers at once. And she'd come out without a scratch."

That when we heard glass breaking and a scream. We both ran upstairs and saw Izu crying over a broken photo frame.

"I broke the photo frame of me and dad and Latte", she said while crying. "That's okay Izu, we'll get a new one", Hitoshi said,"No. dad and I made this one.", she said through her sniffles.

I went to her and picked her up and I took her to the living room. "Wait here for a minute okay?" I said as I set her down on the couch. She nodded her head and I ran back upstairs.

Hitoshi and I fumbled with the glue and the art supplies but we fixed it.....sorta. we took the finished photo frame down and showed it to her. She started laughing. "Hey it's not that bad"  Hitoshi said. "It's really not. I'm rather proud of it."

She stopped laughing and hugged us. "Thank you", she said.

We took all her boxes and took it to the dorms. After leaving her stuff there we went to my house. Joy.

We got there and I told her to wait outside. I went in to check if Endewhore was there. Unfortunately he was.

"Where the hell were you?" He asked. "I was helping Izuku pack her stuff to move into the dorms. I'm pretty sure they told you about that.", he didn't like what I said, "Don't act smart with me Shoto" he said. "I'm not acting" i said with a bored tone. he was mad. He brought his hand up to slap me,I closed my eyes waiting for the impact, but it never came.

I opened my eyes to see a yellow barrier around his hand. Then I looked back to see Izuku holding her hand up. "You don't want to do that", she said. He looked at me with eyes that said, 'what is she doing here?!'

"I'm here to help your son move in to the dorms", she grabbed my hand and said, "we'll be in Shoto's room packing up his stuff. Bye", I just went along with her.

I pointed to my room and we entered. As soon as I closed my door. She hugged me. "I'm so sorry", I hugged her back, "it's not your fault. Thank you though" she smiled and we got to packing.

I had a lot less stuff than her so we were done in half an hour. After putting the stuff in my room. We went to the common room. We found some pop tarts and started watching a movie. I got a blanket because I knew Izuku would get cold. Which she did.

We were watching 'How to train your dragon'. I'd never watched it before but it seemed like Izuku loved it. I guess Bakugou got interested as well cus he sat next to Izuku and started watching.

He inched closer to Izu. I think he wanted the blanket. I never really needed blankets cus I could control my body temperature. Izuku got the hint and gave him the blanket. They were both watching the movie and cuddling. I couldn't help but feel jealous but I knew Izuku had enough of that crap.

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