Part 34

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I love you Izu


*Shoto pov*

I couldn't breathe, There was a weight on my chest. I opened my eyes to see Izuku sleeping on it. She looked so cute.

"Izuku get off me", I groaned. "No", she replied. I tried pushing her off but she clung onto me, "Shotoooo, I'm comfy", she whined, "I still need to breathe Izu", I said, failing miserably at trying to push her away. "If you couldn't breathe, then you would've died, since you're alive and well,
Shut up and let me sleep."

I groaned and sat up making her fall off. Then I shifted and I put my arm around her. Just for precautions I put my leg around her too. (In a cute way, not like that you perverts)

"Shotooooo",She tried to squirm out of my grip but couldn't and eventually gave up. I didn't ease my grip though, I knew how crafty she could be.

A few minutes later we heard a knock in the door, we hadn't locked it last night. So Izuku groaned, "it's open", the door opened and unfortunately Mina walked in. She squealed and took a picture. I think Izu was already asleep so she didn't hear the camera.

"Go away", I said, I didn't really care too much about the picture. "Idiot we have school in 15 minutes.", she said. That woke Izuku up. She somehow got out of my grasp and ran to her wardrobe. She got her uniform and ran to the bathroom. I left Mina in the room because I needed to get dressed as well.

*Izuku pov*

I finished my shower and put on my uniform. I walked out of my bathroom and saw Mina on my bed, squealing.

"What's up", I asked. "Nothing. I just saw you and Todoroki cuddling", I blushed. "Also we need to go. Your dad's gonna be mad if we aren't on time", I smirked and said. "You wanna travel in lightspeed with me?", she stood up and said, "hell yeah I do", I giggled a little and I held her hand and made a barrier around her. I didn't know if her body could withstand light speed without it so, better safe than sorry.

I made the barrier and activated my quirk. Moments later we're in front of the class with two minutes to spare. We walked in and sat at our desks.

Shoto came in a minute later. His uniform was untidy and his hair was a mess. He looked at me and Mina suspiciously, "how on earth did you and Mina get here so fast", he asked me as put his bag at his desk.

I walked to him and said while fixing his tie, "light speed sweetie", he blushed at the nickname and nodded his head. "Can you take me next time. I'm had to run here cus I didn't want detention.", I smiled and nodded as I fixed his messy hair.

"Shut up" dad said, he seemed really ticked off. I knew what was wrong. I reached into my bag and grabbed my thermos, I took my mug and poured in my extra strong, extra hot coffee. Toshi shifted his gaze from Kaminari to the holy liquid in my mug. I stood up and went to dad. I kept the mug on the podium and he looked at me with tears in his eyes, "thank you problem child, you're un-grounded.", he whispered as he grabbed the mug and basically inhaled the coffee.

I walked back and he was already in a better mood. Toshi looked ar me with expectant eyes, I sighed and asked for his mug, he handed it to me immediately and I poured in my coffee. He took it gratefully, "makesure you're careful, you wouldn't want to burn yourself as you stare at Kaminari", I smirked and he flushed.

"Okay, y'all are gonna go do your internships. It's gonna start next monday and it'll last for a week. Use this period to figure out who you're gonna pick. Bye", then he fell onto the floor.

We all started talking, "hey Izuku, who're you interning with?", I thought about it for a while and said, "I think I'm gonna go with hawks", everyone's eyes went wide.

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