Part 44

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*3rd pov*

Aizawa and Hitoshi ran into the clearing and saw 5 students on the ground, crying. Their eyes darted around looking for something. When the didn't find it they started to panic.

"Where the hell is Izuku!?", Aizawa yelled in frustration. Shoto cried more and more. The others didn't speak and didn't show any indication of speaking.

"T-they took her. B-because of m-me. She's long-gone because of me", Bakugou said as tears silently fell down his face.

Hitoshi stumbled back in shock. He tripped on a rock and fell. He pulled his knees to his chest and cried. Aizawa couldn't understand what happened. He couldn't comprehend it. What was going on? Where was she.

Reality began sinking into him. He sank to his knees and cried. He gripped the ground and pulled at his hair. He screamed. He screamed and screamed and screamed until he couldn't anymore. The adrenaline that was keeping exhaustion at bay, started wearing off. Eventually he lost consciousness.

*3 days later*

Aizawa, Hitoshi, Hizashi and Shoto hadn't eaten, slept or smiled since she was taken. They couldn't. She was being kept god knows where and they couldn't find her. They found a trace yesterday but they stil needed to investigate it. Momo had put a tracker on one of the Nomu which lead them to a hideout.

Aizawa had to attend a press conference today so he combed his hair and wore a suit. He would look quite sharp if it weren't for the puffy, baggy and the dead look in his eyes.

*Aizawa pov*

I got into the car with Nezu, he looked almost as bad is I did but I can't blame him. "What do I need to say?", I asked, my voice was really hoarse because of all the crying and stuff. "You uh, you need to tell the press that we're sorry about the student's injuries and answer some of their questions.", his voice broke, I guess he wasn't holding up well.

We passed a park, no we passed the park that Izuku used to play at when she was a kid. I started crying again. It was the seventh time today and it was only 8.30 Nezu came over to me and hugged me. "We'll get her ba-ck", his voice broke and he started crying too.

We reached the venue and I stepped out of the car and entered the venue. I saw Vlad King and walked over to him. He didn't look like he cried but he was definitely sad. We nodded to each other and then walked onto the stage. We sat at the seats with our name cards.

The cameras started flashing but I couldn't care less. I just wanted to get back to searching for her. A tear threatened to fall but I willed it away.

Vlad King stood up and gave a formal apology. I just stared at the ground. Then the questions started.

"Eraser head, can you confirm the identity of the student that was abducted"

My breath hitched, I cleared my throat to answer but Vlad answered for me. "The student that was abducted was Izuku Aizawa" I could hear pens writing on paper.

"Why was she targeted?"

Vlad answered again, "we think it was probably because of her powerful quirk"

"Eraserhead, have u made any progress on the search"

Vlad was about to answer again but I didn't need help. I would do this. "The investigation is being carried out, all other information is confidential at the moment" they all wrote down whatever they wanted to.

"Don't you feel responsible"

I got mad. Vlad must've noticed because he waved the question away. I stood up and stared daggers at the reporter. He shuddered.

"I do feel responsible sir. My own daughter was taken away from me, while I was in the same area. But I will have you know that we are making every effort we can to find her. If you're going to ask stupid questions like that then I will politely ask you to find the exit", I walked off the stage.

I got into Nezu's car and he drove me home. I walked in and saw Hitoshi asleep on the couch. "I spiked his coffee", I heard Zashi say from the dining table. I nodded and sat at my computer. I opened it and saw the screen saver. It was Hitoshi giving Izuku a piggyback ride. I shut the laptop and went to her room. The cats were all laying on her bed.

I closed the door and cried. I sat on her bed with the tears streaming down my face for about half an hour, when the tears stopped I went to thw coffee machine and got a mug, I drank it completely and went to the laptop. I logged onto the police database and started to feel dizzy.

"I spiked the coffee that you drank too. You need to sleep, I'll look for her while you two are out", Zashi said. I saw his sad smile before I fell asleep.

Fuck. Where is she

855 words

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