Part 29

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*Izuku pov*

I saw his left side turn ablaze and I was so glad. I started blushing when I saw him without his shirt but I had to keep my head so I kept my cool (pun intended)

Then I heard Endewhore screams "SHOTOOO you finally stopped with your petty games!!!", we both smirked at each other and then proceeded to flip him off. He was behind me so I didn't see his expression but by Shoto's face, I could tell it was priceless.

I was about to turn around when Shoto shot his flames at me. I was glad he'd accepted his quirk but Jesus that was a close one.

I stood with a ready stance and started using lightspeed. I showed up behind him and punched him on his face. Now I was crouching down in front of him and I kicked him in his stomach then he had the fabulous idea of keeping his life side ablaze. It was extremely hot so I couldn't go near him anymore.

I stood on the other side of the arena and I got ready. I focused on the area Shoto was in and I used obsidian. He was submerged in dark. Soon his entire half of the arena was covered in black. It turns out I can use the light that I remove when I use obsidian to regain lost energy.

His fire wouldn't help with light in there. I was constantly removing light from that entire area. All it would do is heat him up.

I knew what was going on inside because I could control every bit of the obsidian. He was panicking. He didn't which way was the way out and he didn't know where I was. I opened up a bit of the darkness so that there was one end open. But that end was beyond the boundary.

As expected he started running towards the light. As soon as he was out I dispelled the darkness to reveal a very confused Shoto who was beyond the boundary.

"THE WINNER OF THIS YEARS SPORTS FESTIVAL IS IZUKU AIZAWA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", I couldn't hear anything except the cheers. Then I felt strong arms wrap around me. I turned around to see Shoto. I hugged him back

"What the hell was that?", I smile smugly, "it's a new move. I named it obsidian, cool right", he nodded his head and said, "very cool"

After that Toshi and Kachan fought and Toshi lost because Kachan didn't answer him.

We got the medals and stuff and I refused the hug from Allmight which left everyone surprised

I went to the announcer's box and dad and papa were there. Papa hugged me to congratulate me but dad......he did the same thing as last time.

"I kinda won a really big competition. You wanna congratulate me?", I asked. "Congratulations", he said dryly. "Is this about Shoto and the hug he gave me in the arena?" His grip tightened. I sighed "you need to stop with all this. Shoto's my best friend and.........maybe he'll be something more but even if he is it shouldn't matter", he took a deep breath before saying, "......fine. five more minutes?", I laugh and say, "five more minutes.

(I warned you about the sap)

After some time he lets go and I leave the room after giving him a kiss on the forehead.

Then I started looking for Toshi because I was about to do something that I would regret. I found Toshi and he saw my face. He knwe what I was about to do. He didn't say a word and just told me to do it. Then he left. He didn't even tell me if it was a good idea or not. Damnit.

I started looking for Shoto. I found him and I grabbed his wrist then I ran, he ran with me. I had no idea where we were going but he just came along. I stopped and we were in front of 1A. We went in and I sat at my desk and he leaned against it.

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