Part 16

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*Hizashi pov* you didn't see that coming did you.

Lunch was almost over and I was in the teachers lounge with Sho. He was sleeping I'm his sleeping bag with his head on my lap when Hitoshi bursts in and runs up to us.

"I can't find Izu!!!"

I know we're all a little too protective of her but it's because she's a baby. Although I'd never tell her that because she would torture me and anyone else who either agreed or said the same thing. Sometimes she pins you to the ground and makes you apologise over and over again. While she sits on you.

Sho somehow got out of his sleeping bag and got to the door in two seconds flat. He yells at us "Hitoshi look on the first and second floor. I'll look on the ground floor, parking lot, and all the training facilities. Hizashi look everywhere above this floor." He called me Hizashi. He's dead serious."All of you other jobless assholes double check everywhere and Nemuri you check in the womens washrooms, and somebody fucking tell the rat satan", Sho says as he leaves the room.

*Time skip to after Hizashi searches everywhere except the roof because I'm fucking lazy*

I was almost done looking and I was getting worried. Nezu would've said something over the speakers if they found her but there was no word about her location.

I climb the stairs to the roof and I hear some noise in a hallway nearby. I go in the direction of the noise and see a yellow light receding. Then I see two of Sho's students with injuries from what seems like the others quirk.

Then I see a site that haunts me. I see my baby Zu with her back against the wall, a tear stained face, lifeless eyes and her arm outstretched. She must've stopped their fight.

I run to Izuku and pick her up. She felt cold and sick. I hold her closer and she melts into my arms and makes herself smaller. I feel a whole lot of anger but my concern overwhelms it. I rush to Sho because it doesn't look like she has any injuries. I see him and somehow my speed increases. I hand her over to him and she does the same thing. She just melts into his arms. She didn't say anything. She didn't make a sound. She didn't move. I couldn't even tell if she was breathing. The only indication being the faint rising and falling chest.

What on earth happened to my her?

*Aizawa pov*

I saw Zashi with Izuku in his arms and I rushed to them. She looked like she didn't want to be noticed by anyone. He handed her over to me and she just shrank more. She started holding onto my shirt like it was her lifeline.

I told Nezu that I was going home with Izu and he immediately obliged after seeing the state she was in, he even offered to drive us there. Which I took up seeing that I wouldn't be able to drive. We got home and I went upto her room. We laid on the bed and she started whimpering and shaking.

I didnt know who did this to her but they were going to pay.

I pulled the blanket over us and the cats came over they made themselves comfortable around us. Well mostly her. Tea was in her shirt again I guess that was Tea's spot now. Coffee was on my head, cappuccino was on her neck Justin, latte and espresso somehow squeezed into the space between us.

Eventually she stopped shaking and whimpering. We fell asleep soon enough.

*Time skip to about 8PM*

Zashi woke me up and said dinner was ready. I didn't want to wake Izuku up but the cats woke up when I did and the started licking her and nuzzling against her.

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