Part 5

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Dont touch me deku


*Izuku's pov*

I couldnt believe what was happening. Why does everyone hate me? What did I do?

After the whole incident with the class, everyone either started ignoring me or they spoke behind my back, I don't know if I was meant to hear their remarks or whether they were just really really bad at whispering. I went with the former.

"Quirkless trash"



"Why is she even here she should die"

"I wish she'd kill herself instead of wasting our time and resources"

I hated this feeling. But then someone came to me and asked me to hang out with their friends. They said to meet them behind the school once it school got over. I was so happy that I made a friend although when I asked for their name they didn't give it to me, they just said "precautions" I never got a good look at their face either so I thought I'd see it after school.

*Time skip to after school*

(y'all know something bad is gonna happen)

*still Izuku's pov*

The bell rang and and I rushed to the place we were supposed to meet. When I got there I saw a bunch of people and I was happy that they wanted to hang out with me. "Hello everyone, My name is Midoriya Izuku and it's nice to meet all of you", I say with my brightest smile. "Midoriya could you come here for a sec", I go over and they grab my hair and throw me to the ground."aah!!" I exclaim and they start kicking me in the stomach and punching me and using their quirks on me.

Then someone grabs my hair again and throws me against the wall and they ask someone to do something I was so disoriented I couldn't hear anything over the ringing in my ears, there were black dots clouding my vision. Then I barely make out the ash blond, explosive hair and I manage the say,"K-kachan, h-help", then I feel burns on my arms, I realise it's my friend that's doing this. My friend that's hurting me, my friend thats giving me first degree burns, my friend thats causing me pain. Then out of all the vague noises in the background I hear it, the word that hurts me more that all these severe injuries


Then I pass out. I wake up about 5 minutes later. I realise it's been 5 minutes by the time in my cracked  watch. Then I try to get up but immediately realize I can't move. I muster all the strength I have left and get up. I limp to the front gate where dad was gonna pick me up. That's in about 5 minutes.

'Oh no dad can't see these injuries! He'll worry!' So I go to the side and sit on a bench and examine all my injuries. I see that my shoulder is burnt and so is my right leg. Other than the burns I only have bruises and cuts that arent very obvious so i try to cover up everything I use the water from my water bottle to wash away all the blood and head to the gate when I'm satisfied.

I see my dad waiting there and even with my body screaming at me 'DONT MOVE' I run to my dad and hug him making sure I don't make my wounds any worse than they are."Hi dad", he looks at me with a skeptical look in his eyes but I see it go away, "hi sweetie, how was school?" I tense at the mention of school."it was really fun!!!"

*Aizawa's pov *

I see Izuku run to me and hug me, but her movements are sluggish and she seems to be putting most of her weight on her left leg. "Hi dad", I look at her with suspicious eyes but I quickly change my expression because I'm pretty sure she noticed. "Hi sweetie, how was school?" She goes stiff at the mention of school. Did something happen?,"It was really fun!!", so something happened, she doesn't seem like she want to talk about it now so I'll let it go. I'm probably just over thinking everything.

We head into the car and I brought latte along because I knew they both missed each other. When I opened the door latte was curled up in a ball sleeping, but the sudden noise must've woken her up, she saw Izu and basically threw herself on her. Izu, being used to this, caught latte and sat in the back seat.

The ride home was short and spent in comfortable silence. When we got home, Izu left the car really slowly and she went into her room, with latte and all the cats following her because she was their favorite. I proceeded to make some katsudon, which I mastered because it's Izuku favorite.

*Izuku's pov*

I went into my room with latte and all the cats followed me and I closed the door and flopped onto the bed and started crying. I cried into the pillow because I didn't want Dad to hear. All the cats came and started licking my tears off which helped a little. Then I fell asleep.

I woke up to the sound of my dad knocking on my door. I got up with all the pain and went to the door. In my dad's hand was katsudon!!! I love katsudon!!! I grabbed it and started eating it on the spot which made my dad huff which was basically a full on belly laugh for him. I said thank you and ate the glorious meal.

After eating, I set that bowl aside and  started thinking about how to treat the wounds without my dad knowing. The bruises I would just get some volini but the burns were an issue. I didn't even know where the burn  cream was. So I went to the kitchen and started making some tea. Then 'accidentally' dropped the pot of boiling hot water and leaves, I call my dad and he gives me the burn cream called 'burnol' and I take it to my room. He offered to apply it for me  but I refused

I took it to my room, which had it's own bathroom and took off my shirt and put it on the burns and the new burn on my hand.

*Time skip to 2 years later*

*Izuku's pov*

I dont know how I dad still hasnt found out and I dont know how much longer I can keep it a secret but it's time to uo back to hell- I mean school I started walking to school because it was like 5 minutes away and using the car was a waste.

So I was walking to school when I heard something in an alley and I ran in to see some kids kicking a kitten and I ran upto them told them to get lost. They looked at me and realised I was like 3 years older than them so they bolted. I went to the kitten and I saw that it was all roughed up and dirty so I took it to the nearest vet and got her treated.

I went back home with the kitten that I named tea. I had keys to the house because my dad stays out late sometimes. I went in let the cats all meet tea and my cats were really cool so they hit it off immediately. I went to the landline and called my dad saying I wasnt going to school because of tea and he said "okay" cus my dads really cool too.

I got into my new sleeping bag and started watching TV. When my dad came home it was around 4. He came in and I introduced him to tea.

"Dad,tea. Tea, dad", I gestured to both of them. They both got along really well.

He went to the kitchen, made popcorn and came back. He started watching whatever crap I was watching, frowning whenever they did something stupid. "What the hell is this terrible show about?", "I dont know", he hit me on the back of my head, I grabbed some of his popcorn and started eating it."Get your own damn popcorn, idiot", I whined and said,"but yours is right here and I'm comfy", I gave him my sad face. "Why did you learn so much from me", he says while he puts his arm around me and we watch my crap show,While sharing popcorn and all the cats snuggled with or around us.

I love my family

I know it sucks and I'm a terrible writer with a lot of typos but please keep reading this story it gets better once she joins UA

Also shinsou is gonna be adopted soon so just wait for that I guess

1471 words

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