Part 52

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*3rd pov*

Aizawa was pacing in a room, he was wearing a suit and for once his hair wasn't an absolute mess, he looked quite sharp actually. The room he was in had a weird scent but that wasn't what he was worried about, no. What he was worried about was that his beautiful daughter was about to get married to that damn kid.

Don't get him wrong, Aizawa had nothing against the Shoto, he was just mad. His husband stepped into the room in another suit and looked at the hobo-- handsome man. Hizashi looked at him with a loving gaze and hugged him from behind, stopping his stressful pacing.

"It'll be fine Sho, we know the kid. He's a keeper.", Aizawa sighed and nodded but his doubts and worries didn't go away yet. Mina bursts into the room in an elegant, plain burgundy gown, she had a tiny bouquet in her hand and she was yelling unfortunately.

"Where's the bride!?", she asked. Hizashi sighed and Aizawa pointed at a door that opened to another room. "Babe I love you but I will hit you if you keep yelling on the day I get married", a voice called from behind the closed door, although it was threatening, the voice was cheerful. "I'll be done in like 5 minutes", the voice called from the door again. Mina nodded and took a seat in a chair.

"Guys did any of you see Tea?", Hitoshi whispered as he came into the room. "How could you lose the ring bearer?!", Mina whisper yelled. Hitoshi just shrugged because he was panicking, meanwhile the door opened and Izuku came out of the room holding the familiar cat.

"Toshi I swear to God if you lose Tea again-", everyone gasped. There she was, standing without any makeup and the same haircut she had for most of her life wearing a long white gown. She looked so beautiful.

Hizashi bursts into tears, "you- looks so-so beautiful sweetie", he cried hysterically. Hitoshi just smiled as tears welled up in his eyes, Mina was fanning her face as she tried to get the tears to retreat and save her the trouble of doing her makeup all over again.

Aizawa just stood still for a moment, taking in his daughter, she was 24 now. And she was ready. He slowly approached Izuku who had just set Tea down and hugged her. He cried, he really cried, She just laughed as she hugged him back one tear escaping. The pulled back for a bit and he looked at her. "I'm so fucking proud of you", he said with red eyes. She smiled her sunshine smile and nodded, another tear trickling down her face.

She looked at her brother with expecting eyes, "how-hows he doing?", Hitoshi smiled, "he's a mess", he laughed, Izuku did too. "He better be", she mumbled.

"Come on, I'll help you", Mina said and took her arm, guiding her back to the dressing room. Hitoshi picked up Tea, "Shoto is so fucking lucky", he said. Everyone nodded and he left to get back to the groom.

Hitoshi stepped into his brother-in-law-to-be's dressing room and saw him standing in front of the mirror. He kept fidgeting with his tie. "Shoto calm down", he turned from his reflection to his best man. "Easy for you to say, you were all over the place on your wedding day!", he said accusingly. "That's not fair!", hitoshi said back, Shoto groaned. "You know, Izu isn't nervous at all", he said. Shoto looked at him, "she isn't?"

"Of course she isn't half-and-half! She loves you for some dumb reason, I personally think she could do better", Katsuki said from the chair he was sitting on. Shoto shot him a glare and then went back to the mirror. "I don't even know why I'm nervous. I'm mean I love her", Katsuki threw his shoe at him.

"Dude what the fuck?", he asked after he dodged the shoe and threw it back at him. Hitoshi put Tea back in his carrier and sat on the sofa. "I was just kidding, she is nervous. It's totally normal, don't worry", Shoto nodded and then pointed at Katsuki, "why'd he throws his god damn shoe at me then?", the red eyed boy laughed. "I just wanted to" Hitoshi laughed while Shoto groaned again.

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