Part 36

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"I left you alone for less than a day and you got into a hostage situation"


*Aizawa pov*

I was watching the news while sitting on Hitoshi while he did push ups, when I saw trouble at a mall in Hawks's patrol route. Then I saw Izuku and Hawks rushing onto the scene. I saw both of them arguing and then that chicken rolled his eyes and entered the mall from a window on the side.

Hitoshi didn't see because he was groaning from the pain. Then about 10 minutes later all the hostages ran out and Izuku came out while supporting Hawks. The press went wild, one of the hostages thanked Izuku and those damn vultures basically attacked her with questions,

"What is your name hero?",

"Uhh you can call me Clara"

"Could you update us on what went on inside the mall?"

"I'm afraid I don't have the authority to give you that information"


She just flew off after making wings. Hitoshi collapsed 10 minutes later so I called Izu while he was dying.



"Hey", I didn't speak immediately because I was trying not to yell. I took a deep breath and said, "I left you alone for less than a day and you got into a hostage situation" 

This time she paused,"you saw the news?", "of course I saw the bloody news, why did that asshole let you go in when you clearly weren't ready to!?", she sighed, "I made him take me, and I handled that pretty well for my first time. I protected the hostages, beat the villains and with minimal property damage",I gave up and said, "yeah, good job kid", I told her about Hitoshi's state and she laughed a bit, then we hung up.

*Izuku pov*

I got off the phone and went to Hawks's house. I went to my temporary room and 'flopped' on the bed. I changed into shorts and a crop top. Then my phone started ringing and I saw that Shoto was video calling me.

I picked up and he scolded me for the mall thing, I told him the same thing that I told me dad and then I went down to the kitchen while still on the phone. Hawks was on the couch, he was playing on his Xbox. I kept the phone on the counter, making sure Shoto could see me and I started making pancakes. After making the pancakes I took them to the couch and gave some to Hawks too.

"Yay pancakes!", he yelled. I laughed and I introduced both of them to each other.

*Shoto pov*

I called Izu and scolded her for her recklessness, but then she apologized and then we just talked to each other. I told her about Endewhore and she told me about Hawks, then she sat on a couch and gave someone a plate of pancakes

"Yay pancakes!", I hear and she flips the camera and I see Hawks in track pants, shirtless on a sofa eating pancakes. I glared at him  he seemed to know what I was getting at.

"So, Zuku is this your super great boyfriend?", I blushed and then a pillow hit him. "Geez sorry, hello" he said and waved at me. "Hi" I said with a monotone voice. Izu put the phone on a table and the frame was super tiny so she sat really close to Hawks.

We were about to talk but Hawks got a phone call so he went away, then I realised something, "hey Izu, where are you staying cus that doesn't look like a hero agency?", "oh that's cus it's not. I'm at his house", I tensed for a minute. "I'm sorry, what now"

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