Part 28

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This is gonna be fun


*Izuku pov*

I stood in front of Kachan in an arena, getting ready to fight him, and I didn't want this to end quickly. Although I began forgiving him for everything I still wanted to fight him on equal footing.

He was just looking at me. No glaring or threats or anything.

Then suddenly the whip hit the ground.

He charged at me with explosions making him faster. I dodged and kicked him in the ribs, knocking the air out of him. He was pushed back a few feet but he came at me again.

We started exchanging blows. I got one on my stomach he got three. One on his chest and two on the face. "Jesus fucking christ deku. When'd you get so fucking strong!!"

I used lightspeed and went behind him. "I don't know, dad trained me for a really long time", I kicked him behind the knees, he groaned and lost his balance but didn't go down. I took advantage of his lack of balance and threw him over my shoulder.

He stood back up and started with a right hook. I dodged the right hook and feinted a left hook, and used a righ hook to get a hit on his jaw, getting a grunt from him. I realised we were near the boundary so, I went behind him with light speed again. I wrapped my arms around his waist, I heard a gasp from the announcers box. It was dad. Then I did a flip and he hit his head on the concrete ground real bad.

He was knocked unconscious and I was declared the winner.

"WELL THERE YOU HAVE IT. YOUR FINALISTS ARE SHOTO TODOROKI AND IZUKU AIZAWA!!!!!!" Papa yelled. The crowd went wild the started telling me to beat Shoto's ass and wishing me good luck. I smiled at the camera and my face was shown on the big screens surrounding the stadium.

"And now we have a short break. Help yourself to the food and games at the stalls outside", papa said again.

Kachan was taken to the infirmary and since I didn't have any serious injuries I just went to find Toshi. Unfortunately I found Endewhore again.

"What the hell do you want?", he looked at me with his chin up. I guess he was trying to look down on me so I made a disc and brought myself up to his eye level. Well maybe a little higher but who cares.

He looked at me with a scowl and said,"Izuku Aizawa, I want you to make Shoto use his left side. He is being unreasonable and irrational.", I glared daggers at him,"Did you just say make?", he looked back at me with a perplexed look on his face,"yes. I don't see what the problem. He isn't using his fire, so just force him. what's the issue?"

What the fuck is wrong with this guy

*Shoto pov*

I was looking for Izu to congratulate her when I heard, "...........he isn't using his fire, so just force him. What's the issue?", I recognized that bitter voice. It was Endewhores. I had half a mind to go and tell him to fuck off and stop bothering whoever he was trying to bribe, but then I heard Izu's voice.

"I'll tell you what the bloody issue is. Shoto is my best friend and I'm not going to force him to use something that he doesn't want. No. I'm going to help him overcome the trauma he developed because of everything you've done.", she was so mad. I'd never heard her talk to someone like this before.

I peeked into the hallway and saw her. We made eye contact and she smiled with her eyes. Then she went back to the flaming heap of trash.

"I cant wait till I'm old enough to bust your ass. Don't come near me ever again. Especially if it concerns some bullshit like this", then she walked away after lowering her disc.

She came my way and held my hand and then we went to the waiting room.

She looked at me and she said,"I'm so sorry. You need to tolerate that asshole every damn day and I'm here venting to you about my protective dad", I couldn't help but laugh,"what the hell are you laughing at", she said with a pout and I turned away cus I was blushing.

"Hey Izu?", "hmm", she said she was looking outside the window. She seemed to be thinking about something

"Shoto Todoroki and Izuku Aizawa. Report to the stadium"

We smiled and wished each other good luck.

*Izuku pov*

I was about to enter the arena when I saw my dad. I ran to him but kept a 5 foot distance, remembering the whole hug incident.

"I don't want to use barriers for this fight, It feels like I'm taking the easy way out", he smiled, but I saw the malice and evil behind the smile, "use obsidian", my eyes went wide,"how the fuck didn't I think of that", he hugged me and said,"cus I'm way smarter than you sweetie", I punched him and he groaned, "I'm injured!", he said. I just laughed.

I walked into the arena and saw Shoto. He was smirking. "I'm gonna wipe that smirk off your face", his smirk widened, "and how will you do that izu?", he said. I was gonna reply but then the whip hit the ground.

He shot ice at me but I dodged, "you better use that left side against me. I'm not gonna lose against a person who holds back", his face contorted into one of disgust. "That's his side Izu. I'm never using his side. I'm gonna get to the top without ever using his side. That way I'll completely deny him."

"You're only showing him that he has that much power over you. Come on. Shoto listen to me Its your power not his"(she said the thing!!!!)

He stood still for a while and then his left side went ablaze.


Hello it's your favorite author gloomy (I'm probably not) I wanted to thank everyone for the reads and I wanted to warn you that the next chapter will be sappy

Also, just reminding you that I know I suck at fight scenes.

1054 words

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