Part 3

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I love you Izu


*Aizawa's pov*

I woke up with a need for air and I opened my eyes to see Izu on my face cuddling into it. I put her on the bed ever so gently so that she wouldn't wake up. Turns out she's a light sleeper.

She woke up and surprisingly she didn't cry, I thought babies were crying all the damn time but I guess my baby was different. She made grabby hands in my direction and I guess that meant she wanted to be picked up.

I went to the living room and set her down on the sofa. I went to a bag near her where I brought a couple of clothes from her old house.i found everythingshe needed (the diapers and shit, I don't really want to write that😅😂)and also noticed a frog onesie that would look so fucking cute on her(he really loves his baby Izu) I  put it on her and called Zashi and Nem.

By the time they reached I had already had my super strong, super black and super hot coffee, gotten the hang of the temperature of the milk and calming her down.

We headed to the mall with Zashi driving and Nem called shotgun so I was in the back with Izu, which I didn't mind at all.

We got to the mall and I got out of the car with Izu. Zashi wanted to hold her but I wouldn't let him. She was mine. I did the same with Nem. So we headed in.

Two sad adults, One really proud and possesive adult and one adorable little sunshine.

We headed into the first baby store we saw and bought whatever Nem said was necessary. I actually had a lot of money saved up, I mean the only things I spent on were sleeping bags and coffee, which doesn't cost a lot.

While buying the essential baby stuff,  Whenever she really liked something she'd yell,"FUCK" I really wanted to laugh but I realized this was a bad thing for a child to do and so I looked at her with a serious expression and said,"Izu, no saying that okay?", she looked at me with the cutest head tilt and I almost broke, almost. I looked at her again and said "NO, you need to stop that", and she looked like she got the message and didn't do it for the rest of the trip.

Once we were done with the essential stuff like the cradle and the table thingy, I dont know what its called, Nemuri let us pick things to spoil her.

I obviously wanted her to be prepared so I bought her a little baby sized sleeping bag, I let her pick it out on her own. She picked a yellow one with green stars. I was so happy because we matched.

Zashi got her a little idol play kit, which I thought was cute but I had to keep my mask up."Zashi, why on earth does a child need that?" I asked. "Oh so its absolutely necessary for her to have a sleeping bag when she's a baby" I stare at him and say "touché" Nemuri got her some really cute clothes and frocks(how is it spelled) and things like that.

We noticed Izu was getting tired so we decided to head home. While we were setting things up I'm Izu's room Nemuri was tucking Izu into her new bed to sleep. We went to get her to see her new room, when we got there we saw her sleeping with her little butt up in the air and the others started taking pictures. Once that was done we waited for her to get up because we didnt want to wake her up.

*Time skip to when Izuku wakes up*

She wakes up and I pick her up and walk to the room she sees it and her eyes literally light up she tries to get out of my arms and so I set her down she crawl-runs to all her gifts and I bring the cradle in from my room. She looks so happy with her sleeping bag and her idol set and her new hair brushes and everything. I was so content. Adopting her was the best decision I made.

* Two weeks later*

Zashi and Nem decided to call their other friends to meet Izuku and now I had half the UA staff(he already works there) in my livingroom they were all waiting for Izuku to wake up (she fell asleep before) . 5  minutes later we hear noises from the cradle. We see Izuku trying to standing with support from the cradle! My baby was standing!! But I think she got a little cocky and she let go of the rails which resulted in her falling and hitting her head. I rushed  forward and picked her up rubbing her head, bouncing her up and down,, giving her kisses, tickling her belly, and finally she forgot about it all. I looked at her and asked with the sweetest voice i could muster, "all better sweetie?", she smiled at me and cuddled into my chest.

I look back at the others in the room and they looked like a ghost, even Nezu had an expression of surprise on his face, like a ghost just breakdanced in front of them, slapped them across the face and dissapeared. I then realised that they saw my soft side that only Izu can bring out. I glared at them and said,"speak of this to anyone and I will end you", the look they gave me convinced me that my soft side was safe.

When they came closer to meet Izuku, she got a little shy and attempted to make herself small only to receive more 'awws' and there was now a line of people coming to meet Izuku.

When that was all done, we ordered take out and had pizza and the rest of them had  apple juice because that was all I had, while I had coffee, because why not. Izuku just had milk because she had to. When Izu got sleepy again they all started to leave. I was about to put Izu to bed when I stubbed my toe and wanted to yell out in pain

(even if he is a underground hero and has a high pain tolerance, a stubbed toe is seriously painful so y'all can't say anything)

so I rushed to the sofa, set her down and screamed into a pillow. Izuku must've noticed I was in pain and she crawled into my lap and started rubbing my face to ease my pain, she had a look of worry. I smiled at her and reassured her that my pain was gone I tucked her into bed. Then she made grabby hands and i realised she wanted to sleep with me so I quickly took her to my room and I brushed my teeth and we went to bed.

She crawled into my chest and I fell asleep almost immediately, which was strange since I have serious insomnia.
Izu probably just eases my worries.

I wouldn't let anyone hurt her, ever.

Im pretty sure I forgot to mention this but Aizawa has 4 cats named coffee, espresso, latte and cappuccino, I know real original

1231 words

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