Part 46

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Kamino pizza delivery.


*3rd pov*

It was 3 am on friday and Aizawa was in front of his computer. He had cried atleast 17 times per day since his daughter was taken. That was four days ago. That meant he had cried at least 68 times in four days. He decided to take a minute to look at a photo of Izuku when she was a baby.

He cried for a bit until he heard a ping from his computer. He sprinted to it and saw a message from Tsukauchi.

"We found her"

Was all it read, but if was enough. He ran out of his house and to the police station. When he got there he saw Nezu and some other pro heroes already waiting. He ignored them and went to the detective. "Where is she?", he pleaded, tears threatening to fall.

The detective hugged him and said, "Kamino. We're gonna get her tonight. There are two locations, you're gonna go to the first"

*time skip to when they're attacking*

*Aizawa pov*

We were in front of a bar and we heard sounds of struggle. I was gonna kick the door open but Kamui Woods held me back. The sounds died down and there was talking. Then the sounds reduced to murmuring.

Then I heard it.

I heard her voice.

I hadn't heard it in so long.

"Hey, y'all got pop tarts in here?"

I couldn't wait any longer. I nodded at all the other heroes and edgeshot knocked on the door and said, "Kamino pizza delivery", then the doorway exploded. We rushed in, Kamui got a hold of all the villains.

Allmight was giving some crap hero monologue and I was looking around for Izuku. Some villain was holding onto her. Suddenly all the villains spat out some kind of black ink and they disappeared into it.

Izuku escaped from the guy's grasp and we made eye contact. She ran to me.

I relaxed for a second and that's when a black mist appeared behind her.

An arm wrapped around her waist.

She was pulled in.

I looked into her eyes.



She called me 'daddy'. it's what she calls me when she's scared. Its what she says when she's powerless. It's what she says when she's terrified.

I panicked but I collected myself. I went to Allmight and said, "take me to the other location", he nodded. I used my capture gear and latched onto him. He jumped and we were basically flying. What a great quirk.

*Izuku pov*

I saw dad, I kicked Touya and ran to dad. Some kind if ink was surrounding them, they teleported to some place else. It was probably AFO. I couldn't care less though. I ran to dad, I almost reached him, he opened his arms. I was so close.

Then I was pulled into a portal.

I turned back and saw Shigi. I struggled to get away from him, but couldn't. "Jesus Izuku! Stop struggling. Why can't you just join us", I was mad.

"Obviously because I don't fucking want to!", I yelled. He still wouldn't let go. I looked around the room but I couldn't really make anything out. Only that everyone from the bar was here. Shigi gave up and handed me to Touya. I tried to get away from him too.

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