Part 23

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Can we talk ?


*Izuku pov*

"I'm sorry what?", he looked me in the eye and said,"I want to talk to you. Could we speak in private?", his crimson eyes didnt show the slightest bit of malice or hate. I nodded my head and lead him to my room.

I put all the cats down and they started investigating Bakugou. He seemed uncomfortable so I said,"I can make the cats leave if you want?", he shakes his head and says,"I'm fine it's just animals don't generally like me"

I sit on my bed and offer him the chair on my study table. He declines, and just stands there without doing anything.I sigh,"can you please just sit in the damn chair", I say more than ask. He sits down and justin jumps onto his lap while the others come to me.

"What did you want to talk about?", he looks up and then looks back down. "I'm sorry", he whispers, it was almost inaudible. I just stare at him, obviously confused.

He sighs and says,"when we were kids and you were declared quirkless everyone else started treating you differently. I thought that was what I was supposed to do too so I began bullying you. By the time I'd realised what I was doing was wrong, it was too late." His eyes had so much guilt in them.

"whenever you saw me I could see how you much you dreaded it. Sometimes I'd search for you on purpose and hurt you so that the others couldn't get to you." Tears were brimming in his eyes.

"On that last day. The last time I punched you. The last time I burned you. The last time I hurt you. On that day I swore I'd stop. But you didn't  come to school the next day, or the day after that, or ever. Later I found out that someone had spotted you after I beat you up. I thought you died and..... I cried for a long time. Skipped school for about 2 months, then I moved past it.", all the tears were falling now.

"But when I saw you, when you saved me from the sludge villain I was so relieved. I called out in anger because the paramedics wouldn't let me go. I guess you either didn't hear or you chose to run away from me, I'll go with the second one because it's way more likely", I smile and then I realize that I was crying too.

"Then I saw you at UA!, and you had a quirk! I was super happy for you because I knew you weren't getting hurt anymore. I mustered the courage to try and talk to you but all that came was violence and anger."he looked so disappointed in himself.

When I pinned you to the wall on the roof. I dreaded every second of it. But there must be something wrong with me cus I kept hurting you. I kept saying those terrible things to you." He was sobbing at this point. Tea was licking off my tears and justin did the same for Bakugou.

"When we had the exercise I wanted to try and talk to you because I wanted to clear things up. But you made the barrier sound proof to stop my yelling. After we lost, something possessed me and I tackled you."

*Bakugou pov*

"When you said those things to me, I felt a part of me die. After all that I'd done I still hoped you would think of me as a friend. I was about to come hug you but icy hot did it for me", I was crying so bad. I had my head in my hands.

"I'm so sorry, everytimeI try to fix things I end up messing them up even more, I'm such a horrible person"

"What's wrong with me", I whisper to myself. Then I feel arms wrap around me, I just melted into the embrace. I didn't let go. We stayed like that for sometime until she said, "it's alright Bakugou, I'm glad you could tell me this stuff"

I nod my head. "It'll take me a while to forgive you. But I will, eventually. And you can call me Izuku, Izu, Zuku, Zuzu or Zu", she said with a smile.

I got up to leave the room and she said,"goodnight Bakugou", I turned around and asked,"hey um could you do me a favor?", she looked up from the bed she was making,"c-could you start calling me Kachan again?" I said scratching my cheek. "Never mind I'm gonna go now. Goodnight", I say before she could reply,"sure, goodnight Kachan", I hear from the other side of the door. To say I was relieved is an understatement.

*Izuku pov*

I heard him sigh and then leave for Hitoshi's room. I was really happy. The Mina came in with a towel on her head.

"Hey where am I sleeping cus the boys don't have any space left.", I smiled and said,"you're sleeping on my bed, I'm gonna sleep in my sleeping bag", I picked up my red sleeping bag and showed it to her. She laughed and got into bed."you know you're just like Aizawa sensei", I roll my eyes,"so I've heard", I say and fall asleep immediately after getting into my sleeping bag.

*Time to the next day in class*

I was telling Shoto about the sleepover and Bakugou when dad bursts into the room. "Y'all have a sports festival in 5 days and you need to pick a class representative. If you need anything don't ask me", then he got into his sleeping bag and fell asleep.

The classroom erupted into chaos. "SHUT THE FUCK UP!", kachan yelled, "let's take a vote. Everyone write down a name on a sheet of paper and put it on da-senseis table then we'll count them", everyone did what I suggested and Momo became our class representative and I became assistant class representative.

Dad crawled out of his sleeping bag and said,"now concerning the sports festival. Yall have vacation for 5 days to prepare. There will be competitions that display your quirks and physical abilities. In sure all of you know that hundreds of people watch the sports festival. Including hero agencies so according to your performance, you will get requests for internships. That's it. Train I guess?"

'How inspiring", we all think. Dad leaves the room and everyone starts yelling again.

"Fuck, I need to train"

Hey guys, I'm so sorry. I accidentally published this chapter before it was completed. I'm so sorry. You didn't miss anything but ugh I'm sorry.

1113 words

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