Part 22

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Time to go back to hell


*Shoto pov*

I head back home and open the door as slowly and quietly as I can. But a very soft creak is heard. I knew i was screwed. "SHOTOOOOO", Endewhore screams he walks to the front door," where the hell were you?", "I was with a friend", I receive a slap on the face for that. " you don't need any friends. You need to spend all your time training. Come", joy I get to train with this bitch.

*Izuku pov*

I got home at 6.59 and I entered my house knowing I wasn't late. I took off my shoes and went straight up to my room and took a shower. I changed into shorts and a crop top because it was really hot. Naturally all the cats were in their spots. Tea apparently really like being in my shirt. I went downstairs to see Bakugou in our kitchen, laughing with papa?

They didn't see me so I quickly ran to Toshi's room and opened the door to see Toshi hitting it off with the entire bakusquad except Bakugou because he was in the kitchen apparently, getting along with my papa.

I was freaking out. I pulled Toshi out of his room and dragged him to mine. "What the fuck is going on dude?",I say after closing the door," whoa calm down Izu, is something wrong?", "Yes. Toshi. Everything is wrong!", I whisper-yell "Izuku calm down and talk to me"

Then I realise I didn't tell him that Bakugou used to bully me. I didn't want to change anything because he was having fun for once and it looked like dad hadn't told papa either so I wasn't gonna change that, "Nothing Toshi, I was just surprised that Bakugou was here. I'm fine", he nods and leaves after giving me a hug without disturbing the cats.

Toshi comes back in 2 minutes later and says,"Izuku I need you to do me a favor.", I tilt my head cus I was curious,"I need you to wear fucking pants and a long fucking T-shirt", I start laughing,"I thought it was something serious" I say still laughing, "I'm not changing. It's really hot and I don't care." He leaves my room with a grunt of disapproval.

Then I go into Toshi's room to say hi,"hi guys, sorry about before", I say extremely awkwardly, dreading every word I spoke. Mina screams,"awe the cats are so cute", I introduce all of them.

They were lots of fun. Everything was going great until Toshi said,"do you guys wanna see a video of her, it's so fricking cute. Dad, papa and I love watching it.", I was about to hit Toshi when he asked me,

"do you want to watch the video izu?"

I was outraged "no I don-" "shut up. sit down and watch the video", I did as I was told and watched the video of me waking up to all the cats licking me and Tea crawling into my shirt for the first time. They all,"awww", like 7 times.

Then I hear the doorbell. I scream,"I'll get it!", and run down the stairs. Almost dropping the cats. I open the door to see dad in bandages saying bye to uncle Nezu. Before he could say anything I say.

"I know you're mad and we'll definitely talk about it later but I need you to promise me that you won't get mad or do anything that you'd regret later because Toshi is having fun and he has friends and he's happy for once", I catch my breath because I said all of that in one go. He nods skeptically and we go inside after I give him a hug.

*Aizawa pov*

I agreed with Izuku because she had the look she gives when she really really wants something. I walk in with her and I see why she made me promise all that.

I saw Bakugou in my kitchen, making katsudon in my katsudon pan, making my husband laugh at some stupid joke.

I activate my quirk instinctively and Zashi was about to come hug me or something but was interrupted by Izu,"sorry papa, dad says he's tired and that he'll talk to you later. Love you", and then she pushes me into my room.

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