Part 4

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I wouldn't let anyone hurt her, ever.


*time skip to when Izuku is 6 and is starting elementary school, I dont know how japan works*

*Izuku's pov*

'I'm going to go to school today, I cant wait to meet kacchan, he looked kinda mad on the last day of preschool so I cant wait to make him happy!!',

'Dad is being super protective, but that's not weird for him he's always like that'

*Aizawa's pov*

'Izu was starting elementary school today and I was naturally worried cus she's my baby', "Remember you can always tell your teacher that you want to go home and I'll rush from work to come get you, you can call if you're hungry or you miss me or you're scared or anything-", I was about to continue but I got cut off.

"Dad you need to stop worrying about me I'm almost seven. I'm a big girl now!!", she says as she raises her hands to show her non-existent muscles. It's so cute."I wont stop worrying about you even when you're the no.1 hero, so there's really  no point in telling me", she pouts at me and I give her a look that says 'you're not gonna win this argument' then she gives up and picks up latte and starts petting her, I ruffle her short,messy hair and head to the car.

I look back and sigh,"Zuzu you cant take latte to school", she then proceeds to step in front of the bag she was putting latte in and says,"I wasnt taking latte anywhere", I sigh walk back take latte out of the bag and see her sad face,"izu latte needs to stay here she's not allowed to go to school", "but....", I sigh pick up her backpack and then pick her up, she giggles a little, I'll never get tired of that little laugh, I think to myself.

"Come on, let's go to school", I say and she nods with a smile we go to the car, she hops into the front seat and I get into the driver's seat. We head to her school and I get out of the car. And walk to her side.

She was looking at the school with determined eyes and she looks back at me, I sigh and bend down so we're eye level. "You can call me whenever you want, just let the teacher know and I'll  pick you up, alright?" She looks at me and the at the ground,"but I dont want you to leave work for me", I look at her and say,"it fine I dont like this years batch either so it's okay if you need me",".............okay"

I give her another hug and she kisses me on my cheek and runs off to school leaving me all alone with my thoughts, there was another reason I was worried,she was quirkless as of yet and the quirkless aren't treated  very respectfully so I was seriously worried.

'Time to teach those brats' I think to myself as I head to UA.

*Izuku's pov*

I head into my class and get seated at the desk with a card that had my name on it, everyone walks in and takes their seats and we all bring our attention to the teacher in front of us.

"Goodmorning students, I'm your class teacher, Rin Koharu. You can all call me either Ms.Haru or Ms.Koharu. whichever you prefer." She seemed really nice I think school is gonna be fun.

Boy was I wrong

I was so wrapped up with the seemingly nice teacher that I didn't notice kachan sitting next to me. I looked at him and smiled my best smile. My friend didnt even look my way, maybe he was distracted and he didn't notice me.

School was really boring they were teaching basic things like multiplication and stuff. Which was boring because I'm way past this.

I must've looked like I wasnt paying attention because the teacher told me to stand up. She started asking me questions (like that scene in Given only Izuku didnt insult the teacher)

"Izuku can you tell me what 2 x 2 is?"


"Y-yeah that's right. What about 7 x 3? "


"That's correct. What's 12 x 12?"


"Okay then tell me what 289 divided by 17 is"

"Its 17, the square root of 289 is 17"

"Y-yeah t-thats r-right"

Later at recess I went up to Kachan and poked his shoulder, he looked at me and walked away. What was going on? Was he mad at me? What'd I do?

Then after recess I went back to class and the teacher gave us time to get to know each other. So for some reason everyone ran towards my desk and started asking me questions.

"What's your name?"

"How'd you know all that stuff, it sounded really complicated?"

"Whats with the fancy car that dropped you off"

"Are you a genius"

"What's your quirk?"

"Why did a hobo drop you to school?"

I laughed to myself, "um my name us Midoriya Izuku

(cus if her last name was Aizawa then villains could attack her).

"That was my dad's car, I didnt know it was fancy."

"I'm not a genius I've just learnt all that before so it's easy for me."

"I dont have a quirk as of yet but the doctor said itll be a really good one."

"That hobo man was my dad, he doesn't really care about fashion or anything really"


"What's wrong?", I ask.


"Are you guys okay?" I ask out of concern.


I reach out to touch one of the people surrounding my desk. They immediately pull themselves out of my reach

"dont touch us quirkless trash",

"I cant believe she's quirkless, I'd kill myself if I had to live without a quirk"

"Can you believe she almost touched me"

I had enough, I stood up and walked over to kachans desk in hope's of finding comfort in my old friend, but all I found was a look of absolute disgust, I look straight into his eye, but they were so distant, like they didn't know me. No that's not what I saw, his eyes looked like they didn't want to know me.

I still went up to him and asked if we could hang out after school. When I almost touched him he scrambled away with his back against the wall

"Dont touch me Deku"

I think I forgot to mention that Izuku is a sassy ass child and will get easier as she grows up

Why do we even have to put the word count?

I will be putting random memes in the beginning of the chapter

1124 words

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