Part 30

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*Izuku pov*

I saw dad and he did not look happy. Shoto was holding my hand and worst of all. That cats liked him.

He was about to say something but luckily Toshi was there.

"Oh hey guys you want something to eat", I sighed and said,"No thanks Toshi, we just ate", I made a sign with my hand and he nodded his head. "Okay well do you want to watch a movie cus dad's got paperwork and I don't think we should disturb him." Then dad remembered his pending paperwork and went to the dining table.

Shoto says, "yeah sure let's watch a movie", we three moved to the couch and started looking through Netflix. "Well what do you wanna watch?", Toshi asked, "whatever Izu wants I guess", Toshi started shaking his head and said, "no no no", but it was already too late

"OLD DISNEY MOVIES!!", I yelled and Toshi face palmed himself and Shoto spit out the water he was drinking. I heard dad chuckle from behind us.

We put on 'The little Mermaid', and brought popcorn and soda and we all got comfy. Including the cats.

*two hours later* spongebob voice

The movie got over and we all stretched. Shoto wanted to use the washroom so I gave him the directions and he went. I stood up and went to get coffee.

I saw dad working on his work stuff and went to talk to him, "hey", "hmm", he replied. Then I gave him my coffee and he looked up. "Thank you problem child", I smiled a little and sat next to him.

"So how was 'fleur'?", he asked. "It was pretty good. They have good food and- how did you know where I went?", he tensed and said, "I go there all the time so I just thought you went there too", I looked at him skeptically, "it opened last saturday.", he started fidgeting which is a clear tell of being nervous.

He was about to lie to me again when I noticed something on his computer screen. There was a window that was open, it was a green map of the city and there was a red dot on where our house was. It read 'Izuku'.

Realization hit me like a bus.


He was about to say something but I didn't listen I was too busy looking for the tracker.

I was looking through my hair and checking under my collar and in my shoes and I was about to look in my ears when I heard a familiar jingle.

I looked at my wrist and saw the charm bracelet that dad gave me. I took it off and threw it on the table. That's when Shoto came out.

"Remind me never to take any presents from you ever again."

"Hey are we gonna watch another movie or...", I said in the softest tone I could muster, which wasn't very soft at the moment. "Shoto I'm sorry but I think it's time you went home. I need to speak with my father", I'm guessing he saw the screen and decided to listen to me.

Once I heard the door close I started. "Are you fucking nuts", "Izuku listen-" I didn't let him finish, "shut up. You put a fucking tracker on me. You don't get to have that privilege", I spat.

"Which one has the tracker? One of the charms, all of them or just the chain?", he replied with guilt, "all of them. The charms and the chain."

I heard the front door open but I didn't care. "What could've possibly possessed you to do something like this. Where do you think I'm going. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SO BLOODY WORRIED ABOUT?!", I yelled.

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