Part 11

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The image on top is basically Izuku in house clothes.

Please read the previous chapter it has important information that I'm not typing it out again.

*Time skip to when Izuku and Hitoshi are 14*(its a friday)

*Aizawa pov*

"Problem children I will double training if you're not down in 2 minutes", I yell at them, I hear scrambling and I smile.

Zashi gives me a kiss while he was making pancakes and I was drinking coffee. Hitoshi walks down the stairs, phone in hand, with espresso and cappuccino trailing behind him. He sits down on the couch and Espresso curls into a ball on his shoulder and Cappuccino does the same on his lap

I start yelling "", Hitoshi joins in, "", a yellow light blinds everyone and Izuku shows up on the couch next to Hitoshi,"No quirks in the house Izuku", Zashi yells Izuku. Justin on her lap, tea on her head and latte on her shoulder. She was comfortably petting justin. She was wearing a red hoodie with black ripped jeans.

*Izuku pov*

"Okay time to leave everyone", Papa says after we all eat our pancakes. He hands each of us our lunches, and we all get into the car. We make our way to UA where Toshi and I rush to the teachers lounge without making it obvious. As we go through the hallways tons of people wave at me and their face goes red when they see me, but I just shrug it off and wave to the people who waved at me. Hitoshi grabs my hand and starts speeding up. "Toshi? What's wrong?" I ask out of curiosity," Nothing Zu I just really want coffee", he says.

We get to the teacher's lounge and get coffee. I sit at dads desk as I pulled dad to it. Hitoshi was doing the same for Papa. They were both so stupid so they needed little helpers to look after them.

I look at his schedule for the day and start drawing it on his hand. "Now listen, today is the last day that i will do this. You've gotta either memorize your timetable, draw it on your hand your self or you need to carry the card around." I say very seriously, "since I know you're way to lazy to carry it around or draw it, you're gonna have to memorize it", I start tearing up," and you're gonna have to manage classes without me cus i wont be there to hand you the chalk or tell you what topic to teach or what the students name and quirk are", the tears start falling silently on his arm. "And I wont be able to wake you up when its lunchtime or when school ends so you'll have to get an alarm or something", he pull me in for a hug. And I cry into his chest."and you'll have to carry your coffee around because I wont be there to share mine with you".

I feel my hoodie get a little wet and I look up to see that he let a tear fall from his eyes. He looks at me and says,"I'll try and manage sweetie but itll be so hard without you,I laugh and say "Well you're gonna have to grow up sometime dad", he pulls me in for another hug and I see Toshi and Papa in the same predicament.

Today was the last time we would come to the teacher's lounge like this. Next time we would come in uniform.

I redraw dad's schedule and walk over to papa. He sees me  and hugs me too. "Did he cry?", he asks,I laugh and say,"Yeah, he did. What about Toshi I bet he was weeping",this time he laughs and says, "Yeah, there were tears flying all over the place."I bury my face into his chest and say,"Papa you've got to grow up soon too", I start crying again,"I know sweetheart, I know"

After that entire thing we pull out of the hug at the same time.

Papa looks at my face really carefully. "That's some seriously good makeup you've got on there, not a single smudge." I start laughing and say,"Papa I don't wear makeup", he looks so surprised,"OH MY GOD I HAVE SUCH A BEAutiful daughter", he activates his quirk which was deactivated by dad.

We were about to leave for classes when we saw all the teachers at the doorway.

Aunty Nem was crying along with hound dog, Power loader and Ectoplasm.

I'll have to steal the footage from Nezu later.

*Time skip to after school*

*Aizawa pov*

We were walking to the parking lot when Hitoshi asked us, "Hey guys can Izu and I go to this cafe that just opened?", I looked at Zashi and nodded,"sure kid , be back before 7", I say. "Thanks dad, love you", Hitoshi says while dragging a surprised Izuku away.


*Izuku pov*

"Hitoshi what the fuck is going on??!!", I ask really confused.

"Just come on", he says while dragging me along.

We finally reach a cafe. He sits us down at one of the booths, and orders some beverages mochi and cold coffee for both of us,"Toshi can you tell me what the fuck is going on?"

"I need you to shut up and listen", he says with a serious tone, I do as he says.

We wait until the stuff we ordered comes. He takes a sip of his cold coffee and looks at me dead in the eye while I was chewing on my mochi.

"I'm gay"

It is once again short and sappy and cringy, I'm so sorry.

963 words

Ignore all typos

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