Part 2

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I walked in with Izuku and opened the door. Zashi looked me in the eye and then at Izuku who was playing with my scarf again and he literally fainted.

I sighed

'this is going to be hard'


*Hisashi pov*( didn't see that coming did you)

I woke up with a weight on my chest and I looked up to see the cutest little fur ball in my entire life 'how on earth can she fit that much cuteness into that little body of hers' I thought as I picked her up and squealed. When I did that I heard her giggle and and I could've died at that moment not regretting anything .

"SHOta"i realized I activated my quirk and sho erased it. "Sorry..." Sho looked at me with a spark in his eyes and he was looking at the little listener. I handed her back to Sho ran downstairs to my radio station in the basement which was sound proof. I closed the door. "HOW THE FUCK IS SHE SO CUTE." I ran back to Sho and the little furball and said "I love her so much"

*Aizawa pov*

"I love her so much" I heard zashi say. I was so relieved when he said that cus I have no clue how to take care of babies. "Good now its 6PM and we need to give her something to eat. What's the fuck do babies eat" *gasp* "shota no cursing when Izuku is in the room" "ugh fine but we need to figure out what babies eat" I said, kinda tired. "-uc -uck -uck" I looked at my baby zuku with a look of horror on my face. There was only one thing that popped into my mind 'this child first word better not be fuck'. I looked at my boyfriend, he had the same look. We just stayed there hoping it wouldn't happen


She said with her hands raised in victory. I started laughing at my baby and hugged her tight. Zashi was just surprised and he was so still, he was like a statue so I pushed him, well I just poked him with my finger. And he fell over when he 'woke up' I laughed again with my baby's giggles added in.

*time skip to after that whole fiasco*

*still Aizawa's pov*

"Lets call Nem"(Nem is Nemuri also known as midnight) "that's a great idea, let's call a seductive mistress who takes pleasure in my misery" I was so sarcastic, "no I don't want that near my beautiful baby","well do you know anything about children?", that's a good point but I wasn't going to admit that, "fine".

*Time skip to after Nemuri arrived and lost it over izuku*

*still Aizawa's pov*

"Okay now that you've met izuku can you please tell us what to do. What the fuck do babies eat?"




"Okay can someone please explain why this beautiful cute jellybean said the "f" word?", "FUCK", "Izuku no" I said to her in hopes of making her didn't work. We tried for 15 minutes and she's still saying it.
Then she started crying and we were freaking out cus my baby was crying and we tried everything showing her colourful things bouncing her up and down and playing with her, but she kept crying. " has she eaten anything?"


"Of course she's gonna cry if she's hungry, idiots" she hit me in the back of my head. She ran to the fridge and heated up some milk and checked the temperature or something on her forearm(I don't know how babies work) then she came and started feeding it to her in a bottle I bought to feed cats. (it's a new bottle that's clean and hasn't been used yet)

'My Izu looks so cute when she drinking her milk' I thought when the milk was finished Izu was full, she burped the cutest little burp and then yawned and she fell asleep in my lap. Nem and zashi squealed as I picked her up and put her to bed on mine cus her room wasn't ready yet. I slept next to her and Zashi and Nemuri left. Tomorrow we were gonna go shopping to buy Izuku things for her room and clothes and baby stuff, I don't know.

But as I fell asleep Izuku shuffled closer to me and said some incoherent words that meant nothing, and as sleep took over I whispered...

I love you Izu.

Im sorry if it sucks it'll get better....I think it'll also be longer next time I just wanted two chapters to be there so you could get a feel of the story and how I write.

If you still don't get it
This is when I speak

This is when I mention time skips or Pov's or when the mention something special that needs to be exaggerated.

This is when they're talking on the phone

Any way 829 words

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