Part 27

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Somebody is gonna die


There will be a lot of cursing by Aizawa know...he's really fucking pissed.

*Aizawa pov*

Did that asshole just hug My Izu, call her by the nickname that I gave her, proceed to accept a nickname from her and then continue hugging. My beautiful fucking daughter.

The second my hands are healed enough to move I'm gonna kill him.

*Izuku pov*

I felt great after hugging Shoto. He makes me feel so happy. But he would never like me back. I'm so stupid. I should just forget about it.

I make my way to the stadium. I'm fighting Mr.stick-up-his-ass I stepped into the arena, I was already used to the cheers. Auntie Nem's whip hit the ground and we started fighting. Well not really.

He ran to me using his best move, which was seriously a waste. I made a barrier around him and just moved it outside the boundary. I removed the barrier and he just fell. I was declared the winner and then I left.

I went to the Announcers box and saw Toshi already there. He fought the girl with green hair and he won. It was just dad and Toshi, papa wasn't there. I went in to congratulate him when dad pulled me away from him and hugged me really tight.

"Uh what's up dad?", I ask, cus he was only this weird when he was mad. "Nothing", he growls. "Well okay then", I say as I give Toshi the 'I want to be anywhere else but here' look and he understands.

He stands up and makes his way to me and dad, "well sorry dad but Izu and I need to go somewhere", I try to get up but he just pulls me back down. when he hears my nickname his grip seems to tighten.

"Dad let go.", he didn't budge, "no. You don't have anywhere to be so I don't see why staying here with me is a problem. Toshi stay here too. I don't spend enough time with either of you". He smiled but still tried to pry his hands off me.

I tried to wiggle out of his grip.

Didn't work.

I tried to use my quirk.

He just used his.

Toshi used his.

He didnt answer

Finally, after Toshi forcefully pulled dads hands far enough for me to slip out. I escaped. We both leave the room.

"What the hell is up with dad?! And when did he get that strong. He's injured as fuck", I say he looks at me with the same expression on his face, "I don't know.", then something dawn's on his face, "did you hang out with any boys, or did someone try something on you or maybe someone was talking about you. Maybe he overheard something",

I shook my head and said, "no nothing happened-oh my God. He mustve seen me and Shoto. We were hugging and laughing and he started calling me Izu. That must've been why he tensed at the name", worry made its way onto our faces, "we have to warn Sho/Todoroki", we said at the same time.

He looked at me in disgust, "that's what papa calls dad", the same look crept it's way onto my face, "oh yeah I can't call him that. I'll think of something", he laughs and we run to Shoto's waiting room.

We burst into the room and see Shoto stretching. "We have two things to tell you. 1. I can't call you Sho because that's what papa calls dad and 2. Never be alone with my dad"

He looked really confused, "I get the first one but not the second.

"Well, you see my dad saw us when we were hugging and stuff and now he's really mad. I'm probably not gonna be able to leave the house for a week. But the problem is he saw you and he's mad.", his face paled. He nodded his head.

It was still Kirishima's match with Tetsutetsu, so that was taking a while. After theirs it was Toshi's and Shoto's

(Just pretend like all the fights except the main ones are over. I know the arrangement is really messy and there are a lot of holes but just go with it.)

We just hung out in Shoto's waiting room. I left to get some Takoyaki from one of the stalls. Toshi stayed there cus we didn't want Shoto to be alone.

As I was going back to the waiting room I saw Kachan. I walked over to him and offered him some Takoyaki, he said no. Then I offered him some hot sauce and he took one after drowning it in hot sauce. We walked back to Shoto's waiting room and he hung out with us.

Then it was time for their match. They both left and Kachan and I sat with the Bakusquad in the 1A seats.

*Hitoshi pov*

I know I said I'd let Izu go out with anyone she wanted but I'm still gonna do my job as her big brother.

We both got into the arena and we heard Auntie Nem's whip hit the ground.

He shot at me with Ice and I dodged "so how'd you get that scar?"

No answer

"I heard something about your dad. How's life at home?"

He flinched but he didn't even make a noise.

Then inspiration hit me.

"you like Izuku, don't you?", I asked and he froze up (pun intended)

"N-no" I took over him, "keep pretending to fight but and answer my questions truthfully"

He started throwing around careless attacks "how do you feel about Izuku?", he smiled at the mention of her name, "I think she's the best person in the world. When I'm around her I feel really light and free-", I could barf, how sappy was this dude. But I guess Izu likes sappy things.

"Will you ever hurt her?", I ask he shakes his head and says, "never in my entire life will I intentionally hurt her", I was satisfied with my answers so I stepped out of the ring. I didn't really care about the sports festival.

*Izuku pov*

I saw that Shoto's attacks were getting sloppy, Hitoshi must've done something. I just shrugged it off and went to congratulate Shoto when I bumped into Endewhore.

"Izuku Aizawa. You are strong and I acknowledge your power but Shoto will beat you. He won't let a girl take his spot on top. But I would appreciateit if you helped him use his left side" 

I was just gonna flip him off and walk away but then he said that prejudiced crap and that got on my nerves. "Listen here you selfish prick. I don't know what the hell goes on in that big head of yours but you better shut your damn mouth. Half of the world's problems would go away if people like you didn't exist. Oh, and don't ever make a sexist comment like that. You wouldn't survive a day without your daughter taking care of you. Be grateful there are women in your life. You jerk", I spat with as much venom as I could.

I walked away and went to Shoto's room. I congratulated him and made my way to the arena to fight Kachan.

This was gonna be fun.

I know it's cringey and it sucks and I'm sorry. Deal with it.

I hope you liked the chapter.

1093 words

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