Part 19

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*Izuku pov*

I was leaving for the cafe we agreed on, when Hitoshi walked up to me and stood in my way. "Where are you going all dressed up?", he asked, I rolled my eyes. I was really tired of this whole protective stuff. "I'm going to hang out with Shoto at a nearby cafe.", I walked around him and he grabbed my arm. "Wait you're going on a date?!", he asked in an accusing tone. My face flushed and I quickly answered,"No! I'm not going on a date and if I don't leave right now I'll be late.",

He hugged me and said, "good you can't go.", I tried to wrestle out of his grip without hurting him."and why the hell can't I?", "cus you're a baby and babies don't go on dates", I was getting annoyed. I looked up at him and said,"you're doing the same thing as dad and I dont want to be mad at you too.", he let's me go with a guilty look and I run to the shoe rack to put my sneakers on.

Just as I finish putting on the shoes he comes to me and says,"I'm sorry Izu. I'm just-", I cut him off,"Don't fucking say it. We'll talk when I get back." I run out of the door and to the cafe.

*Shoto pov*

I was at the cafe, waiting because I decided to leave ten minutes early.

As I waited I saw a mess if green hair enter the cafe. She started looking for me. She looked so cute, like a lost puppy. I waved her over and she came and sat across me.

"I'm sorry I'm late, did you wait for long?", "not at all I arrived a minute before you did', I say as I smile lightly,"that's a lie. You have a glass of water in front of you that's almost  finished so you waited atleast 10 minutes", she says with a proud smile. I look at her, gaping. How the hell did she do that.

"Well forget about that. What do you wanna eat", I say quickly to change the topic. "Katsudon!'', she exclaims, she's so cute. "Umm this is a western cafe. They dont have katsudon unfortunately.", she looks down sadly, then perks up."I'll have what you have!!"

I felt so happy for aime reason. I hadn't had this much fun since....well, ever. "Okay then, I'm just having the cheesecake cus I ate before coming here", she nods her head and I wave the waiter over, "what can I get you too" he asks, "we'll have two cheesecakes and some cold coffee", he nods his head and leaves to make our food.

"So you wanna tell me why you were crying?", I ask hoping to she looks down and says,"its cus of my dad. I know he means well but it feels terrible. He's always so protective."

She sighs and then stutters,"A-and I know I'm m-much better off than some unlucky people. But its so tiring." She sighs," Always having to reassure him that I'm safe. Always keeping a watch on me. That day when we were at the roof the entire school was plunged into chaos because they didnt know my location for ten minutes. I wouldn't be surprisedif there was a tracker on me"

I put my hand on hers and she smiles, "Thanks Shoto, I can never talk to anyone about these things. Oh and you can tell me about anything you want. I won't say anything to anyone else"

I nod and our food arrives, she takes a bite of it and sits back. "That is so good" she says as she takes another bite. I chuckle quietly and take a bite because I thought she was exaggerating. I phase through multiple dimensions. This cheesecake is so bloody good.

We finished eating and talked about random stuff. We walked over to the cash register and I was about to pay when she took out her wallet "no no no. I'm paying",I say. She looks at me and says ,"no you're not. I am",and takes money out of her wallet, I was about to pull my own money out when I felt a very heavy weight on my hands.

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