Part 51

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Good night Izuku.


*Izuku pov*

I woke up on Shoto's chest and just stayed there, he was used to it at this point. "Hey, remember when we made plans to start our own agency?", I said as I poked his cheek. "Mmhmm, yeah. Do you wanna start one? I mean with the No.1 and the No.3 hero it would be pretty successful", I nodded and got off the bed. "Izukuuuu nooooo. I wanna stay in bed", he whined. "You have work you idiot", he shuffled.

"I can take today off. Besides I never take days off, Fuyumi will thank me", I went to my cupboard. "Well what'll you do all alone.", I turned around and suddenly Shoto was in front of me, his hands on either side of my head. "What do you mean, I won't be alone if you take the day off", I blushed. "I-I can't take today off, theres a huge raid going down a-and dad asked me to help", he stepped back and fell on the bed.

"Fine but can you please come back after the raid, I wanna spend atleast some time with my fiance", I froze and started blushing like crazy. He smirked and got off the bed and came over to me. "Do you like that? Fiance?", I somehow got more red but he didn't stop. He leaned into me and lifted my chin up to face him, "don't get used to it because soon it'll change to bride and immediately after that it'll be wife", I pushed him away.

"You idiot. You can't do that to me", I said as I fanned my face. He chuckled lightly, "I'm sorry I just love seeing you blush", I stuck my tongue out at him and got dressed. I went downstairs and Shoto was making breakfast.

"That smells great, whatcha makin", I said while I put the cat food out. They ate it after nuzzling against my leg. "Bacon, eggs and toast. I've got fruits and stuff so I could whip you up a salad.", I got my mug and made my way to the coffee machine. "I'll have the bacon and eggs please.", I pushed the button that was supposed to pour hot, holy caffeine into my mug but nothing came.

"Shoto where the fuck is my coffee", I demanded. He sighed. "I hid it, switch to tea, it's healthier.", silence filled the apartment, the only sound being the sizzling of the food. "Shoto I can't function without my bloody coffee", the room started to get dark, obsidian was slowly activating. It happened every time I was super angry, frightened or stressed. He groaned and opened a cupboard, took the cereal box out and pulled some instant coffee from it and threw it at me.

"Thank you sweetie", I said as I made my coffee. We ate breakfast and I put on my shoes. "I'll be gone for about two hours probably, what're you gonna do?", he shrugged and sat next to me. "Do you think Toshi will be my best man?", "oh my God he would love that!", I said and he smiled. "Good cus it was either him, Katsuki or Natsu", I laughed and kissed him. Then I left for work.

On the way I helped here and there, cheering up a baby, helping an old lady cross the street, carrying bags. I was gonna be late at this point. I got a couple of congratulations, Mina and Kami must've put it up on their social media. I started running and I was pulled into an alley(sweetie it's been 8 years. Please stop doing that). I twisted my arm and made a katana out of light, I threw the sword at the strange person but he dodged. He jumped to the back and lifted his hood.

".......Touya?", I said to the scarred man in question. "Hey Zuzu. I just wanted to congratulate you, Toga and the others wanted to be here but they couldn't make it.", I approached him but didn't let my guard down. "Wh-what do you mean? I thought you guys died, you were sentenced to-to death?", he put his hands in his pockets. "Twice got really good at using his quirk and we made it out, AFO didn't though, he died, the rest of us escaped"

"What've you been doing? Why did you only show up now? Why not before?", he looked back and said in a rushed voice. "Listen Zuzu, I don't have time, I'm not even supposed to be here. I just wanted to wish you and my little brother. I hope you have a good life together, soon you'll be my sister-in-law so that'll be fun but unfortunately I won't show up again. The entire LOV, including Shiggy, wish you a good life. We're sorry for what we did to you but we didn't have a choice.", he took a large step forward, hugged me and then stepped back into a portal.

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