Part 15

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This is gonna be a long year


*Izuku pov*

We headed back to class and saw dad in his sleeping bag. He said we could mingle until lunch. Then he fell asleep.

We went around the room saying our name, quirk and interests.

"I'll go first",a girl with pink hair and horns said. "My name is Ashido Mina
My quirk is Acid and I like dancing"

"My name is Kirishima Ejiro. My quirk is hardening and I like manly things."

I saw Hitoshi's eyes light up when the next person spoke.

"My name is Kaminari Denki. My quirk is electrification and I like video games. Oh and I'm gay" Hitoshi began blushing at that last bit.

*time skip to after almost everyone talks about themselves because I'm lazy*

It was Hitoshi's turn,"My name is Hitoshi Aizawa. But y'all can call me shinsou. That was my old name", he said with discomfort, I took his hand and squeezed it. I guess he still hadn't moved on from his past "my quirk is brainwashing. And I like coffee, cats and sleeping but I have insomnia's a bitch so I dont get much of that."

I smiled at him and spoke,"my name is Izuku Aizawa but you can call me Izuku to avoid confusion." I smile,"my quirk is called lux. It's latin for light. It gives me the ability to control light.",I say as I make a mini ball of light in my hand."I  can make anything I want out of light. Oh and I can heal too", I say finally, with bright smile.

Then it was Todoroki's turn, "my name is Todoroki Shoto. My quirk is half hot and half cold. I like soba."

I smile at him and he give me a very soft smile. Now I can treat him to some soba. I didnt get a chance to talk to him before so I'll do it at lunch.

Only Bakugou was left now. After a lot of nagging and screaming and cursing he said,"My name is Bakugou Katsuki. My quirk is explosion and I'm gonna be no.1" that's exactly when the bell rang.

We all left for lunch and Toshi and I sat with Uraraka-kun and Tsuyu. I saw Hitoshi sneaking glances at Kaminari so I nudged him and whispered in his ear,"you should go sit with him", he turned bright red and shook his head vigorously. Then I pushed him off his seat, he glared at me and went and took a seat next to Kaminari. He looked like a cherry and I noticed Kaminari had a slight blush too.

I left the cafeteria to search for Todoroki. I told him I wanted to hang out with him later so we agreed to meet on the roof after lunch. I was about to open the door to the roof when I was pulled into a hallway and pinned against the wall.

"Were you hiding your quirk from me Deku ?", I opened my eyes and saw Bakugou close to my face. With hands on either side of my face. Blocking my escape route. I started planning what to do and then he said,"Stop your fucking mumbling and answer the damn question", I mustered all my courage and I said,"I-I dont h-have to t-tell you anything", "what the fuck did you just say to me!?", he screamed. "I tried to melt into the wall. "Ba-Bakugou I've moved past all that, and I dont want to go back to it. J-just leave me alone. I d-don't have to tell you anything" I say again trying not to cry.

"Shut the fuck up Deku, and what was with the slime incident. You think I need your help? Don't think you're better than me. Damn useless Deku"

"What the fuck is going on here?"

I hear a familliar voice say. I was so relieved you could see me physically relax.

*Todoroki pov*

I was waiting on the roof and Izuku hadn't come yet. I was about to go look for her, when I heard someone scream "what the fuck did you just say to me!?" I was a little concerned so I went in that direction and I looked down an empty hallway.

There I saw Bakugou and Izuku. She was pinned to the wall and she looked like she wanted to be anywhere but there.

I go to them and I say,"What the fuck is going in here?"

She heard my voice and relaxed a little. She looked at me and I could see that she was trying not to let the tears spill.

I was pissed off.

"None of your business half and half so you should just fuck off", I could feel my left side heat up,"that's my friend you've got pinned against the wall there and she doesn't look like she's very comfortable with this situation. So it is very much my fucking buisness. Now leave her alone" I say with venom in my voice.

He slammed his hands on the wall, getting a whimper out of Izuku. My left side was about to flame up. 

He started to approach me, warming up his hands with tiny explosions and I got into my fighting stance. He attacked with a right hook, I blocked it but he came back with explosions to my face, I tried to dodge it but he managed to get my shoulder instead. I made a thick layer of ice on my knuckles and punched him on his face. Successfully getting a grunt out of him.

We both were about to attack again when a yellow barrier surrounded both of us. We looked at Izuku simultaneously and saw her slumped down to the floor with her arm outstretched in our direction.

A minute passed and Bakugou seemed to have calmed down. Izuku looked kinda weird, like she was sick. Her arm fell to the ground and the barrier went down but the second it did, someone stumbled upon the scene.

I looked back to see who it was and mentally sighed in relief when I saw him. But I knew I was in deep shit when he saw Izuku.


Yass cliffhanger. This chapter is so short I'm sorry. I wanted to leave it on a cliffhanger so I don't really regret it.

I hope you liked the chapter.

Ignore all typos.

1076 words

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