Part 6

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I love my family


*Izuku's pov*

It was another miserable day. The teachers all ignored me or gave me extra homework, which I didn't mind because it was really easy. They were always mad when I came in first in class and submitted all my work on time. But honestly I didn't care at this point.

Although the worst part was the definitely the bullying. Especially by Kachan out of all my bullies he was definitely the worst.

Every day I would get suicide notes and red spider lilies on my desk. Every day I would be told to kill myself one day Kachan said to me,"hey,deku if you really want a quirk, take a swan dive off the roof and pray for one in your next life", that was when I broke. That was when I went numb. I just tolerated the bullying.

After school Kachan would pull me into a corner or an alley and start using his quirk on me, punching me,kicking me but he would never do it where it was noticeable so my stomach, shoulder, neck, leg, back and upper arms were always covered in bruises and burns.

Today, after I was given my shit ton of homework, I was heading back home and Kachan pulled me into an alley and started his daily round of torture, honestly I didn't feel the pain anymore it was just numb.

After he was content he stopped, but today something was strange. He pinned me against the wall and he looked at me and said "Damn deku" and left.

I just fell when I tried to get up. My left arm and right leg felt broken, and since today was my lucky day some of my other bullies found me,"well lookee here, we found the quirkless little freak.", the things they said stopped affecting me a long time ago so I just brushed it off."hey guys, I'm really not in the mood for this crap right now so if you could maybe have your fill tomorrow, it'd be great", I just realised what I said and immediately regretted it. I tried to resist. Boy was I screwed.

"What did you just say to me,trash", he was really mad, and so was his whole gang of three.

They all surrounded me and started with their onslaught. But I realised that one of they're quirks was making knives and that was bad. They started cutting me and stabbing me.

But then something happened. A kid that looks about the same age as me with purple hair and eye bags that could rival my dads stumbled upon the scene. He stared at all of them, then at me and he yelled at them.

"What are you doing to her??"

All my bullies answered back,"none of your busine-"

"Go home, got to your mirror flip yourself off and then tell your parents or guardians what you did"

I looked at him with shock,"your quirk is so cool", he looked at me with wide eyes, he looked like he was about to cry but then he saw the state I was in. He ran to me and picked me up, I hissed in pain. "Sorry. tell me where your house is mine is really far away so we'll have to go to yours", I agreed, dad had to go for some hero conference so I was home alone.

I gave him directions while he carried me to my house we talked a lot, I found out his name was Shinsou Hitoshi, but he didnt want to be called Shinsou so called him by his first name.

I gave him the keys and he opened the door we walked in and he set me on the stool at the kitchen, because we didnt want to get any blood on the couch. I told him where the first aid kit was and he went to grab it.

Then I heard it


*Hisashi pov*(Didnt see that coming did'ya)

I was at sho's place, because he told me to look after Zu while he was at the conference.

I was toasting pop tarts when I heard the door click, and I assumed it was Zu so I got back to making the pop tarts but when I looked back saw Zu with a black eye that was swollen, multiple cuts, bruises, burns and basically any injury you could think of. I was so scared.

(Aizawa and Mic are engaged but they still live separately, they will move in together at Aizawas place but not yet. Hisashi's radio station is in Aizawas house, because he has a basement, Hisashi lives in an apartment)

She looked at me with a guilt ridden eyes, "hey there papa Zashi", she said with the softest voice I have ever heard. Then she broke down, "I'm s-sorry p-papa Zashi", "hey little listener, what are you apologizing for?", "I-I didn't tell y-you about this st-stuff", stuff? Was she getting bullied? She gasped "you can't tell dad about any of this","you know I cant do that kid, he's your father he has to know", "no, please don't if he gets to know, then he'll wo-worry about m-me and he a-already d-does that w-way too much",she said in between sobs.

I hug her and then someone yell from her room,"I finally found the first aid kit, you hid it really well", "who the hell is that?", I ask and she giggles a little while crying," that's Hitoshi, he's the one who carried me here, I couldn't move so we came here cus we didnt think anyone would be here", she looked guilty again. I went and hugged her, I got the first aid kit from Hitoshi and started the basic stuff, but she didnt wince even once. When she lifted her shirt I realized how severe her wounds were and called recovery girl, I gave her the details and we went to UA. Hitoshi came along because he wanted to stay with her. I also texted Sho while Zu was getting treated.


Sho come home now

Zashi I'm a little
busy right now

Zu got hurt,
really bad

I will be there in
5 minutes

      Okay, we're with
recovery girl
at UA

Why are you with
recovery girl, what
the fuck happened
to my baby

I think it'd be better if
you heard it from her.
Also there's another boy
here who helped her.


Can you just get here.
It's a really long story that
Izu explains the best

Fine but you make sure
that he  doesn't touch
my Izu

*Time skip to when Aizawa reaches UA*

I rush to the infirmary, and I see my angel with a cast on her left arm and leg and bandages everywhere else
I basically run to her and hug her. I feel my shirt get wet and I hear a silent sobs I hug her firmly but not enough to hurt her, the others leave the room to give us some privacy.

I sit on her bed and I say,"you wanna talk about it?", she shakes her head and I say, "okay", and I kiss her forehead. She then says between her sobs,"thanks dad" I really want to know what's going on but I dont want to force her.

We lay down and she ends up falling asleep really fast. 'She must be really tired' I think to myself

I kiss her forehead and snuggle closer. Then I fall asleep too.

"Good night sweetie"

Yass I wrote more than 1300 words this time.

Thank you so much for the views

I know the Mic and Aizawa thing is confusing and has a lot of holes in it but just roll with it.


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