Part 35

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Good night.


*Time skip to when the internships start*

*Izuku pov*

We were at the train station to get to our internship agencies and almost everyone had left. It was just me, Toshi, Kachan and Shoto. Well Toshi just came to see me off cus he was interning with dad.

Dad was giving Kachan a really long lecture on how he was supposed to listen to his mentor and how he can't make any trouble. I'm pretty sure he's gonna give me the same lecture.

I was sitting in Shoto's lap waiting for his train to come. He kept nuzzling his head into my neck, it tickled so I kept giggling. I pretty sure that's why he does it though. I tried to get up to go over to Toshi but he pulled me back into his lap. "Shoto....", he just hugged me tighter. I gave up and gestured Toshi to come to me.

He sat next to us and gave us looks of disgust. "Why do I need to watch this", I scoffed, "why do i need to watch you and Kami flirting and then chickening out of confessing", he flushed and looked away. I felt Shoto smirk.

Kachan's train came and we stood up to say goodbye to him. I was off Shoto's lap but he still had his arms around me. I hugged Kachan and he hugged back after a 'tch'. Toshi just nodded and Shoto and Kachan just made eye conyact for a few seconds. Then he was off.

Dad was frowning at me, I think he just realised that Shoto had his arms around me. He came to me and started his lecture.

"Okay, Hawks is a sleaze bag so you need to be careful. He's super irresponsible and I hate him so you need to be careful of that too. If he does something, tell me and I'll punch him and you can intern with me instead. If you don't like if there just call me and I'll come get-", I cut him off.

"Jesus christ, shut up, this is elementary schoolall over again", I hugged dad, which was kinda awkward cus Shoto hadn't stopped hugging me. "I'll be fine dad. If he tries anything I'll punch him myself", he nodded and hugged me back.

After about 15 minutes, Shoto's train came. "If you ever get tired of Endewhore you cam call me and vent about it, and if you want I'll make Nezu change your mentor", he nodded.

"you might want to look away Aizawa sensei", he said. Dad rolled his eyes and spoke to Toshi. The second his gaze shifted Shoto pulled me by my waist and kissed me for a really long time. We only stopped because the train was leaving in two minutes. Shoto got onto the train after hugging me one last time and then he was gone too.

Dad, Toshi and I just waited at a nearby cafe cus Hawks said he would pick me up from wherever I was.

"Todoroki seemed very clingy", Toshi said with his eyebrows raised. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's because we won't see each other for a while", I said, poking my sandwich. "Oh and stop with those weird looks, Toshi", "well what am I supposed to do when I see Todoroki all over mg little sister", "well what do I do when I see Kaminari all over my big brother, you think that gives me a good mental image?", Toshi blushed and put his head down. Dad smiled at my remark. "And you haven't even confessed yet, lord knows what'll happen when you two get together"  I shuddered.

I saw red out of the corner of my eyes and looked through the cafe window. I saw Hawks looking around for me. I took my bags and rushed outside. I almost ran into him.

"Oh hey Aizawa-", "call me Izuku" then dad came out and glared at Hawks. "Welp, we gotta hurry now, don't we Izuku", I nodded and gave a hug and a kiss each to Toshi and Dad. Then I walked away with Hawks.

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