Part 14

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My life is great.


*Izuku pov*

I woke up and finally left Toshi alone. I went downstairs and drank my coffee. I was an early riser unfortunately and since today was a holiday, no one was up was probably 6.30 or something.

I went o my room and found the letter dad gave me last night, on my bedstand. I picked it up and I took out it's contents. Some papers and a metal thingy came out. It started playing a hologram of uncle Nezu.

"Hello Izuku, you've passed both the written exam and the practical exam with flying colors and have been accepted to our school. You had 98.76 on the written exam and you set a new record with the practical. You had 126 villain points and 80 rescue points with a total of 206 points you've beaten allmight's highscore by 60. You will be in class 1A. I look forward to your activities in UA. Good luck.",it was probably supposed to stop there but it continued." Is it over?" uncle Nezu asked, I guess someone nodded behind the camera,"ohhh I'm so proud of both of them, they're gonna be great heroes" and that's when the hologram went off

I laughed for a bit and then went on to read the stuff on the papers. It was stuff about when to collect the uniform and how to submit our hero costume designs, and our class schedules and stuff. I hope my homeroom teacher is nice.

*Time skip to the first day of school*

*still Izuku pov*

It was 6 in the morning and I was do excited. I took a long shower and wore my uniform. As usual my skirt was too short. I liked having my skirt reach my knees but the people who make it always seem to make it wayyyy shorter.

I try to make mg tie but end up miserably failing. My true was amazingly short too. I yell to no one in particular,"Do any of you know how to make a tie?", I get a series of 'nos' and decide to just go with it. Toshi wasn't even wearing his tie. He said he'd watch a video later and teach me too.

After a great breakfast dad, Toshi and I took our thermos(the the plural of thermos?) And got into the car. Dad was driving today because he lost a bet. The way to school was quite because dad and papa made another bet to see how long papa could keep quiet. In the car Toshi and I talked about who our homeroom teacher was gonna be. Toshi ended up being in the same class as me. We got to UA and got out of the car. Toshi and I headed to our class and dad and papa went to the teachers lounge.

We were about to enter when I heard his voice. Bakugou Katsuki. Damnit. I wish I could avoid him but hes in the same class as me. Toshi must've noticed my unease because he came and hugged me and started rubbing circles on my back. After I was better he asked me if I was okay. I nodded my head, not wanting to worry him.

We walk in and see Bakugou yelling at Mr.stick-up-his-ass, which I was fine with. I realised the only free seats were the two behind of them was near a guy who looked like wanted to feel up every girl in class. Disgusting. I look around to see everybody blushing, was this part of my quirk? Cus it happened way too much for it to be a coincidence.

Then I see my good friend Todoroki sitting in the seat next to the one behind Bakugou. Hitoshi quickly takes the seat that was closer to the pervert after glaring at him. I sit behind Bakugou and wave to Todoroki, he lifts his hand in response again.

Then I see the worst possible thing. EVER.

I see dad crawl into class in his yellow sleeping bag. At first I was surprised but then I started groaning which then morphed into trying to hide my laugh. It looked like Toshi went through the exact thing that I did. Dad  looked at us and sighed, trying to hide a smile. Then he spoke. "If you're here to make friends then you can leave.", I was running out of air trying to hold in my laughter."None of you brats  noticed me except candy cane, broccoli, explosion head and insomnia over there.", what was with these nicknames

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