Part 24

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Fuck I need to train


*Izuku pov*

I was talking to Shoto about training together today when dad crawled over and said,"Izu you have training with me from 4 to something.", I knew what he was doing but I cancelled plans with Shoto anyway.

I went to dad and asked,"is Toshi coming too?", he looked at me, shuddered and said,"I'm never training you devils together after what happened last time", I giggled a little and went back. "What happened last time?", Shoto asked. Toshi and I look at each other. "We just had a little fun", and started laughing.

*Time skip to when the get home*

"Izu it's 3.30 get dressed and meet me at the beach", dad says as I go to my room,"same spot?", I yell "same spot", he yells back.

I go into my room and change into a crop top and sweat pants. I get a backpack and put a jacket and an extra pair of clothes in. Then I put as many energy bars and drinks and some snacks in. Then I put my thermos in.

I look at the time. It's 3.47. I have some time so I head to the beach at a relatively slow pace.

I get to the beach and I breathe in the salty air. God I love the beach.

Then I see dad and I walk to him. "What's today's absurd training routine?", he looks up at me then looks at the time. 4.00 exactly. If I was early I'd get a lecture about how you should never give someone extra time. If I was late I'd have gotten one about how I should never give someone less time than they asked for.

He nodded at his watch and then looked at me. "First we play some tag, then we play some hide and seek then we do some quirk training." I put my stuff away and I get into the circle dad had drawn in the sand.

"I'm guessing I can't let you touch me and I can't leave the circle.", he smirked and said, "pretty much, oh you can use your quirk but only once and you can't use it for more than 10 seconds. If you last for ten minutes we move on. If you fail we start again"

I nod and start thinking of my strategy. He's making me evade his attacks, anticipate when to use my quirk and how to use it."does that mean you cant leave the circle either?", he nods his head as he picks up a pretty seashell.

We enter the circle and he starts attacking as soon as the time started, I did a series of flips, bends, jumps and handstands for about 3 minutes. Then I figured out his pattern and I knew he was gonna change it. But I knew what his first attack is. He always starts with a feint left hook and then he tries to sweep my feet.

I had my chance.

He came at me with the predicted left hook, he was about try and sweep my feet but I just flipped over him and started using my quirk. I made the circle way bigger and then I split it into two small circles, I made a disc and I quickly floated over to my circle, leaving dad alone in his.

It was far enough that dad couldn't jump over to me and close enough to head him speak.

I sat with my legs crossed,"pretty good plan right?" I asked with pride. "Yeah, yeah. Good job kid. You wanna finish the ten minutes or do you wanna play hide and seek?", I thought about it and said,"lets play hide and seek"

He nods his head and I wait until he steps out of his circle and we make our way to a cave near the beach.

"Okay I'm gonna count from 1 to 27 and you're gonna hide. Then I'll come find you", I look into the cave and start looking for place to hide,"okay but why 27", "I like 27" I laugh a bit and ask, "can I use my quirk?" He nods his head again."no restrictions. Do whatever the hell you want. But if I find you we start again"

I run into the cave and start looking for ideal places to hide. I find a pocket near the top of the cave and decide against that, he'd expect that


Shit I was running out of time. I ran deeper into the cave and saw a wall filled with plants. When I went closer I realised the plants were like a curtain. I hid behind them and made adjustments around it to make sure I was hidden well. Then I made a barrier around my mouth and made it sound proof.


I heard dad step into the cave. He got to this end of the cave really fast. He stood in front of me and then said,"you gonna come out or you want me to move the fake plant wall?" Then I stepped out to see a smug look on his face. "How the hell did you find me?", he huffed and said,"kid you're probably the worst hider I've ever seen. Hitoshi hides better than you." I punch his arm and we go back to the entrance.

"Kid you need to play to your strengths. The dark isn't your strength, your quirk is literally called light. That's a big hint I gave you. Let's take a break. You brought coffee right?" "Of course I brought coffee. I'm not an animal" we went back to where our bags were and had some coffee and we split a poptart.

Then we went back to the cave and tried again. This time I hid in the little pocket that I saw before.

I got caught again.

I hid near the entrance behind a really big rock.

I got caught again.

I hid behind the rock again and I removed all the light from there.

I got caught again.

Then I got a brilliant idea.

Dad started counting. I made a tiny ball of light and threw it into the cave. Then I rode a disc to a nearby palm tree and hid behind it.

Dad went into the cave and came out 20 minutes later with a perplexed look on his face. "Okay Izuku I can't find you. Can you come out now. I swear the game is over. I give up. There are no tricks"

I walked over to him and he just gaped at me. Before he said anything I said,"none of the rules stated that I neede to hide in the cave" he closed his mouth and just nodded.

Then we went on to quirk training. Well more like stamina training. I had to make as many barriers as I could. And then I had to make the same number of barriers with obsidian. We decided to name it obsidian because 'dark stuff without light' was too long.

Then we took a break cus I saw a bird with a hurt wing. We healed it and it flew away. Then we went for a swim.

After having fun we went back to brutally making me go beyond my limits I had (if you get the reference then I love you)

It was 9.45 when we decided to call it a day. Dad brought a tent with him so we set it up and fell asleep.

I'm gonna kick their asses at the sports festival.

Hello. This chapter is more like a filler and I know it sucks. The sports festival will start with the next chapter.

Not proofreading

1630 words

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