Part 8

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That was  basically Izuku and Aizawa when Izuku was a kid but Izuku wasn't that big a fan of all might.


This is a good family, I'm gonna have fun here


*3rd pov*

"Izuku Aizawa if you aren't downstairs in 5 minutes we're leaving without you!!"

"I'm coming dad, jeez" izuku slides down the railing of the stairs and says, "let's go!", both Aizawa and Hitoshi sigh and all three of them head to the car. "I call shotgun!", yells Hitoshi and a whine is heard from Izuku. They all sit in their respective seats and head out.

They reach the mall and hop out of the car after parking. And go into the mall. They stop at the first clothes store they see.

*Izuku pov*

We go into the first clothes store we see and dad goes off to find a place to sit, I roll my eyes, grab a shopping bag and drag Hitoshi around telling him to try on clothes. After figuring out his size and style, I pick out cute shirts and pants and things. I also got some really cute crop tops and Jean's and shorts and things.We go to dad and I poke his head. He wakes up and sees our bag full of clothes, he gives us his credit card and goes back to sleep.

We buy the stuff and I get a shopping cart. We put the stuff in and we head off to the second most essential store. THE SLEEPING BAG store. It was called 'Sleep Tight' Hitoshi got a yellow sleeping bag with little black lighting bolts on it. Dad and I were so proud, Toshi just seemed confused.

We went to the store and started trying out shoes, dad needed a pair of sneakers too. So we went in I picked out these super cute black ones, hitoshi got a white one for fancy occasions and a black pair similar to mine. Dad got the same shoes he had before.

We finally go to the store where we get the stuff to decorate my room when we hear a boom.

I look to my left and see people rushing to the exit, which is on the opposite side if the mall, we were right in the middle of the mall during the villain attack and I hadn't even gotten fairly lights.

Dad starts running towards the commotion and he yells,"Hitoshi make sure Izu doesn't do anything stupid, take her and run", he nods and picks me up.

"Let me go. We can help evacuate.", he looks at me with his brother look and says,"we're not doing anything. We're gonna rush to an exit and the go to a safe zone.", I struggle to get out of his grip but he was surprisingly strong. "Toshi let me go", his grip just gets tighter. "Ugh, I hate you"," I know you love me Izu", I struggle again but to no avail.

Toshi runs to the exit only to see villains already there. So he turns the opposite way to run again but sees a villain approaching us. "He puts me down and steps in front of me, in a protective stance. "Don't hurt my sister", the villain just ignores him and speeds up. He stops right in front of Toshi and punches him, Toshi falls to the ground and tries to stand up but the villains friends decide to hold Hitoshi down while the boss comes closer to me, I pretend to be scared- which I was but not for me, for Toshi. So I play along and as I'm backed into a corner the villain says,"this kid'll sell for a fortune!" Are these people fricking human traffickers!! They're worse than murderers. 

I move into a corner and as I touch the wall I jump using  help the wall to throw a punch at the villain.

The villain just spits out a tooth and looks back at me. "You better behave or your brother'll get it" he says as he gestures his cronies to do something. Then one of the goons hold a knife to Toshi's neck. I freeze," n-no p-please s-stop I'll b-behave I p-promise" I manage to stutter out in fear of losing my brother. "Good" the villain says as he grabs my arm and takes me to the other side of the mall.

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