Part 42

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What does the LOV want?


*time skip to two weeks later, Izuku's back in the dorms*

*Izuku pov*

I left for school with Shoto and Mina. We were running late so I used light speed to get us there. Toshi had already left with Kaminari, it looked like they were making more progress. God, it felt good to use my quirk again.

We got to class and just made small talk until the bell rang. Dad popped out of nowhere and yelled at us. "SHUT UP IDIOTS I HAVE NEWS", I couldn't help but laugh. We all stopped talking and looked at dad.

"Good, now we will have summer training camp. We got permission from your parents and stuff so just go pack. We're leaving tomorrow so y'all have the day off" then he walked out of the classroom. I went to Shoto and said, "hey just a tip, take a lot of workout clothes and take clothes that you don't mind getting ruined.", he nodded and we left to pack.

*Time skip to the next day*

We all got onto the bus, I sat next to Shoto and in front of Kami and Hitoshi. Kachan and Kiri sat in front of us and Mina and Hagakure sat beside us. Half an hour passed and I was getting suspicious. Dad wouldn't let us have a peaceful summer. This was going to be training. Hellish training.

I went to the front of the bus and sat next to dad. "This isn't some summer getaway, is it?", he had his shit-eating grin on his face, "I have no idea what you're talking about", and then he turned away.

*3 hours later*  SpongeBob voice

We got off the bus at a cliff overlooking a forest. The pussycats were there!! And this other kid with little spikes in his cap. He seemed mad.




I grabbed Shoto's hand and sprinted to the bus but dad used his capture gear. I dodged but Shoto was too late he got caught in it and I stopped moving for 2 seconds, dad got a hold of me too. That's when one of the pussy cats used their quirk and made all the students fall off. After everyone was gone dad threw us off too. He waved innocently as we plummeted to the ground.

I made a really big pillow for the others and I made a disc for me and Shoto. We all landed safely. Then I made barriers around everyone and myself and carried them to the camp. We arrived before all the teachers and the kid. I healed all the scratches and bruises that they got from the fall and then we just waited for a bit.

10 minutes later, they all arrived. The pussycats looked surprised but dad just walked to me and smacked my head. "You were supposed to let them figure it out on their own.", I scoffed, "consider it revenge and what kind of hero would I be if I just left them to fend for themselves?" He just clicked his tongue and walked away.

I went to the kid with the hat and said, "Hi my name is Izuku", he scoffed and said, "like I care.", then he tried to kick me. I grabbed his foot and spun him around, he was about to hit the ground but then I realised he was a kid so I caught him.

Everyone stood still for a moment and then the kid escaped from my grasp and ran into the forest. I sighed and we went into the building to have lunch. Then we went to the hot springs to have a bath.

*Shoto pov*

We were having a bath when Kami, sero and Kiri thought it was a good idea to play 'dare' there was no truth. You could only pick dare. I played since everyone was so insistent.

Ojiro went first, Bakugou dared him to scrub his back because he was too tired. Shoji got dared to do a handstand for 4 minutes. Sato was supposed to drink tap water. The finally it was Sero's turn and Kami was going to give him a dare.

"Umm well let's see, I dare you to go peek at the girls", he said with a grin. Sero just shrugged and went to the wall. He shot his tape to the top of the wall separating us from the girls. I didn't want him to do it

1. Because my girlfriend is on the other side

2. Because its plain wrong

I ran to stop him but I slipped. Before I knew it Sero was falling to the ground. I looked up and saw the kid with the hat. He looked at Sero in disgust. All the girls shouted a thank you from the other side and the kid turned to face them. Then he fell on our side. I ran and caught him, he fainted from the shock of falling.

I wrapped a towel around my waist and took the kid to one of the pussycats. When I left the bath, Izuku was standing there in nothing but a towel. I blushed, she did too. We both went to Mandalay.

"Oh my god what happened?", I explained the incident to her and she said, "well thank goodness I put someone on watch. Aizawa said there were some nasty kids in your class"

She explained how Kota-which was the kid's name, lost his parents to a villain attack. They were heroes. "I'm probably mistaken but are you talking about the Waterhose Duo?", Izuku asked, Mandalay nodded her head. Izuku had a grim expression on her face. "I'm so sorry, they were amazing heroes" Mandalay smiled.

We left and changed our clothes, then we went to bed.

Tomorrow was gonna be a long day

Yeah, this was just a worthless chapter. It's almost a filler. I'm sorry I have serious writer's block.

The next few chapters will be better I promise. Well, maybe not the next one but the one after that will 100 percent be better.

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