Part 41

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But that was going to change soon


*Izuku pov*

I woke up because Shoto was breathing really loudly, I opened my eyes and realised that I was sleeping in his chest and that's why he was breathing loudly, its cus he couldn't.

I tried to get off him but he was holding on to me really tight. I gently tapped on his face. He groaned and rolled over whole still hugging me all the cats surroundingus mowed disapprovingly and ran out of the room. I giggled. I tried tapping his face again but he just pulled me closer. I kissed his nose and he smiled but he didn't let go. "Shoto let me go. I need coffee", he groaned and said, "you don't need coffee if you're sleeping so go back to bed"

I tried to get out of his grip but it didn't work. He was really strong and I couldn't do much because of my stomach. "DAAAAAAAAADDDDDD", I yelled, surprisingly Shoto didn't even flinch. Dad came rushing into the room and smiled then he left and came back with Papa and a camera.

"Oh come on", I whined as the took pictures. Shoto didn't seem to mind. I looked at him and saw him sleeping. How the frick? He was terrified of even being in the same room as dad and dad was still uncomfortable with Shoto.

After papa was done with the photos. They left, dad came into my room and said, "don't stay in bed for too long and get groceries. Also I'm not helping you, he's your boyfriend figure it out on your own", then he left for work before I could protest.

An hour passed and I just stayed there. Finally Shoto woke "morning honey", I rolled my eyes, "get off me. I'm bored" he scrunched his face and said, "rude" he got up and went to freshen up. I went to the kitchen and made coffee.

I sat on the couch and the cats took their respective spots. I drank my coffee and looked through my phone. Shoto came down and sat beside me. "Do what do you wanna do today?" He asked. "What do you mean? You have school", I said

(She still doesn't know that Shoto beat Monoma up)

"I got suspended for three days,  uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh", "wait what why" I asked. He immediately changed the subject, "what groceries do you need cus I'll run to the store and get it for you"

I thought about it for a but and the I realised. "You beat up Monoma didn't you", he scowled, "don't give that villain a name", I clicked my tongue and looked at him  "Shoto, just forget about it, it wasn't a-", he interrupted me, "if you say it wasn't a big deal I will be extremely mad at you. He harassed you Izuku. He kissed you against your will! Who knows what he would've done if Hitoshi didn't find you!"

I sighed. I didn't reply to that. We just sat in silence for sometime, "I'm sorry Izu I didn't mean to yell", I nodded my head.

He kissed me and then he kissed me again. All the cats had moved out of the way so he flipped me onto the couch without hurting me. We made out for a solid 5 minutes before we broke for air. He started kissing my neck and slowly sucking on it. God it felt good.

He bit on my collar bone and I moaned softly. I could feel him smile against my skin. He kissed it and said"I love you babe" then started placing kisses all over my neck and shoulder then he licked my already formed hickey I whimpered at this it felt soo good, then sucked on it.  "Mhmm S-sh-Shoto s-stop", but he didn't and I didn't complain. He moved on to other places like the side of my jaw. I got tired of it so I flipped him onto his back, making sure not to hurt myself.

I bit down on his lower lip , he was a little surprised but then he kissed back. That's when we heard the door open. "Hey kids Nezu gave me a day off because he thought I needed one. I got the groceries so y'all can do whatever you want for the rest of the day.", dad said

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